All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract ActionListener
T is the type of CoreAction this listener listens to.
Indicates the state of the action.
Defines what to do when importing using "Find by key" or "Microflow", when no object was found.
Exception thrown authentication fails, can be explicitly caught when calling Core.login to deal with failed login attempts.
Common interface, is used by PDF and Excel export.
Defines the side of some content element.
Checked variant of CoreRuntimeException.
Thrown when exception arises in core parts of the runtime.
Counters count occurrences of an event.
Provides data storage related methods.
Contains failed validation information.
This exception is thrown when data validation of an object member fails (on change, setValue or commit).
This class can be used to send email.
Generates PDF and Excel files using this module.
Gauges are arbitrary, persistent values.
Provides singleton access to the IHttpConfiguration.
Represents an HTTP header field.
An HTTP Method.
After receiving and interpreting a request message, a server responds with an HTTP response message.
A (private) certificate file with its password.
Defines the context interface.
Defines the available types of request execution.
A DataColumnSchema describes all properties of a column inside a DataTableSchema.
A DataRow represents a row in a DataTable.
This interface represents a parameter for a reporting DataSet.
This interface represents the result of a report request.
A DataTable contains a collection of DataRow objects.
Describes the structure of a dataTable.
Generic class for Mendix data types.
Provides all enum types.
Represents a validation rule of an entity (IMetaObject) for an attribute (IMetaPrimitive).
Represents of an Excel cell.
Defines the supported Excel cell types.
Represents an Excel cell style.
Defines the available border types.
Defines the available colors.
Defines the horizontal content alignment.
Defines the vertical content alignment.
Represents an Excel column.
Represents an Excel grid.
Represents feedback instructions, which will be sent to the client using the JSON API.
Defines how to open a form for feedback.
Defines the message type for feedback messages.
Depending on the target, the handling of the instruction will be passed to core of the clientsystem or to the some specific widget.
This interface represents a retrieval request.
Configuration for Http.
Represents execution state of an HTTP process.
Represents an HTTP request message to be send to a server.
An Http request interceptor can be used to manipulate the content entities enclosed with messages as well as the headers.
Represents a user language.
Represents a Mendix identifier, holding information for uniquely identifiying a Mendix object instance.
Represents an entity (IMetaObject) instance.
Defines the possible object states.
Represents a Mendix object member (attribute or association).
Defines the object member states.
Defines the object member's value states.
Represents the type of an association member of an entity (IMetaObject).
Defines the owner of the association.
Defines the type of the association.
Defines the child's delete behaviour of the association.
Defines the parent's delete behaviour of the association.
Represents and enumeration.
Represents an enumeration value.
Represents an entity in the domain model.
Represents the access rules apply to an entity (Mendix object).
Representation of a database index for an entity member.
Represents the type of an attribute member of an entity (IMetaObject).
Defines all primitive types.
Defines all possible value types.
This class can be used to define a textual OQL retrieval query.
A ParameterMap can be used to define the values for parameters of an query.
Interface which can be implemented to roll your on profiler for client requests.
Specifies proxy configuration.
Represents the paging and sorting aspects for object retrieval.
Provides the Session interface.
This interface represents a configuration for sorting retrieved objects.
Defines the available sort orders.
Represents a template string which can be evaluated on demand.
Represents a parameter of IStringTemplate.
This interface represents a textual retrieval request.
Represents a web-service response.
This class can be used to define an XPath retrieval query.
Allows to register before and after listeners for system events on all persistable entities in the application.
Checked variant of the MendixRuntimeException.
Represents a set of associated Mendix objects.
Provides a generic, unchecked Mendix exception.
WARNING: Experimental feature.
Provides a builder for building a microflow call.
Sets report the number of unique elements that are received in a flush period.
Indicates whether created or changed objects should be committed.
Represents the data type of a ITemplateParameter.
Timers measure the amount of time an operation took to complete, in milliseconds.
Abstract class for user actions.
- extend this class (define R!)
- implement the method executeAction()

public class ExampleAction extends UserAction {
private String param;

public ExampleAction(String param) {
this.param = param;

public String executeAction() throws Exception {
return "Hello world! ("+this.param+")";

public String toString() {
return "ExampleAction:: param="+this.param;
Abstract ActionListener.
T is the type of UserAction this listener listens to.
Represents an exception for reporting messages to user.
Defines the available exception categories.
replaced by com.mendix.http.ICertificateInfo
An exception that can be thrown by webservices published by the Mendix application and webservice calls by the Mendix application.
Fluent API for basic or schema-based XPath queries.