Mendix Client 4 API Documentation


The mendix.sys.Server subsystem provides an API to handle server communication.



This method is called to fire a request to the server. To fetch objects or invoke microflows, or should be used instead.


Name Type Description
args.request.action String The action to trigger on the server.
args.options.unique Boolean Whether this request may be merged with an already sent request with the exact same parameters.
args.options.preventCache Boolean Prevent that the response comes from the browser cache.
args.options.caller Object The caller instance, on which server instructions can be executed.
args.options.handle Function Function to handle the result.
args.options.error Function Function to handle errors.
args.options.callback Function Function to handle the result when successfull.
args.options.sync Boolean Whether the request should be synchronous or asynchronous.
args.options.asyncid String Id for this request to ping the server.
args.options.onValidation Function Function to handle validation feedback.
args.options.standalone Boolean If changes may be sent to the server before executing this action.


This method is called to fetch a resource from the server. This adds basic connection error handling to dojo.xhrGet. To get a form, mx.config.getForm should be used instead.


Name Type Description
args.url String The url from which to fetch the resource.
args.load Function Function to handle the result.
args.error Function Function to handle errors.
args.handleAs String How to handle the result (text/json/xml).

For more parameters, see dojo.xhrGet documentation.


This method is called to get the cache bust, used to refetch assets after a redeployment.


Type Description
String The cache bust to append to an url.


This method is called to startup the subsystem when a user logs in.


Name Type Description
callback Function The function to be called when startup is finished.


This method is called to shutdown the subsystem when a user logs out.


This method is called to check whether the subsystem has been started.


Type Description
Boolean true if the subsystem has been started.