Mendix Client 4 API Documentation



create(element, props, child1, child2, …, childn)

This method is called to create a dom node.


Name Type Description
element String Name of the HTML element to create.
props Object Optional. Properties to set on the element.
childx DOMNode Nodes to append to the newly created element.


Type Description
DOMNode The newly created element.


var $ = mobile.dom.create;

var table = $("table", {
        "class" : "bordered-table",
        style   : "font-weight:bold"
            $("td", "content")
var node = $("div", {
        style : {
            color      : "red",
            cursor     : "pointer",
            fontWeight : "bold"
    $("span", "text")


Escapes HTML special characters in str so it can be used inside HTML documents.

Name Type Description
str String String to escape

getCss(path, doc)

Get the DOMNode from a document linking to the given stylesheet.


Name Type Description
path String Path of the stylesheet location.
doc Document Document in which to look for the stylesheet link. Defaults to document.

addCss(path, doc, media)

Add a link to the given stylesheet to a document.


Name Type Description
path String Path of the stylesheet location.
doc Document Document to add the stylesheet link to. Defaults to document.
media String String describing the media types supported by the stylesheet.