Mendix Client 4 API Documentation


The mendix.sys.Data subsystem provides an API to retrieve and manipulate MxObjects.


get(args, scope)

This method is called to retrieve MxObjects from the Runtime.


Only one of the guid / guids / xpath / microflow parameters should be set.

Name Type Description
args.guid Number The GUID of the object to retrieve.
args.guids Array The GUIDS of the objects to retrieve.
args.xpath String The XPath query to retrieve.
args.microflow Boolean A microflow to fetch objects from.
args.callback Function Function to handle the result.
args.error Function Function to handle errors.
args.noCache Boolean Whether the client cache should be used.
args.count Boolean Whether a count of the entire set should be returned.
args.path String Path to the desired object, relative to the object referenced by guid. Format is: Entity/Reference/Entity. String Schema-id.
args.filter.attributes Array If given, only given attributes will be fetched.
args.filter.offset Number Index from where to start in the set.
args.filter.sort Array Attribute and sort order pairs on which to sort the objects on.
args.filter.amount Number Maximum number of objects to fetch.
args.filter.distinct Boolean Distinct objects on an attribute.
args.filter.references Object Key-value pairs of reference name and options.
scope Object Scope in which the error and callback handler are invoked.


If one GUID is requested:

Type Description
MxObject The requested MxObject


Type Description
Array Array with requested objects

    guids    : [123456, 456789],
    callback : function(objs) {
        console.log("Received " + objs.length + " MxObjects");
    guid     : 123456,
    callback : function(obj) {
        console.log("Received MxObject with GUID " + obj.getGUID());
    xpath    : "//System.User",
    callback : function(objs) {
        console.log("Received " + objs.length + " MxObjects");
    xpath    : "//System.User",
    filter   : {
        sort   : [["Name", "asc"]],
        offset : 0,
        amount : 10
    callback : function(objs) {
        console.log("Received " + objs.length + " MxObjects");


Execute a Microflow.


Name Type Description
params.params.actionname String Name of the Microflow to invoke. (required)
params.params.applyto String To what to apply the Microflow. Can be one of “none”, “set”, “selection” or “selectionset”. “none” is the default.
params.params.guids1 Array The GUIDs to apply the Microflow to.
params.params.xpath1 String The root entity for an XPath query. The Microflow will be applied to the matching objects.
params.params.constraints String The constraints for the xpath parameter.
params.params.sort2 Array Sorting of XPath query results before feeding them to the Microflow.
params.params.gridid String The grid ID of the data grid which is providing the selection information. Scriptable The caller instance, on which server instructions can be executed.
params.context1 MxContext The context for the Microflow.
params.async Boolean Whether the Microflow should be executed asynchronously. Defaults to false.
params.callback Function Function to handle the result when successful. It should take two parameters, value and ioArgs. value contains the result of the Microflow. ioArgs contains additional information about the request (see also the documentation of the handle parameter of dojo.xhrGet).
params.error Function Function to handle errors. It should take a single parameter, error, which is set to undefined when the server cannot be accessed, or an Object describing the error.
params.onValidation Function Function to handle validation feedback. It should take a single parameter, validations, which will be set to an array of ObjectValidation objects.

1 One of either the guids or xpath parameters is required.

2 Required when using an XPath query to specify Microflow parameters.

Microflow parameters

The applyto parameter indicates which objects are passed to the Microflow as input.

Name Description
none Don’t pass any objects to the Microflow.
selection Pass the objects with the given GUIDs.
set Pass the objects matching the given XPath query.
selectionset Pass the objects matching the given XPath query. If gridid is set, and the corresponding grid is single selection, only the first queried object is considered.


Calling a simple Microflow, not expecting any entities:{
    params       : {
        actionname : "MyFirstModule.PetCat"
    callback     : function(obj) {
        // no MxObject expected
        alert("Just petted the cat a little");
    error        : function(error) {
    onValidation : function(validations) {
        alert("There were " + validation.length + " validation errors");

Calling a Microflow expecting a list of entities, using an XPath query:{
    params          : {
        applyto     : "set",
        actionname  : "MyFirstModule.GetFavoriteFood",
        xpath       : "//MyFirstModule.Cat",
        constraints : "[id=281530811285515 or id=281530811285506]",
    callback        : function(obj) {
        // expect single MxObject
    error           : function(error) {
}, this);

Performing the same request, but now using a list of GUIDs:{
    params          : {
        applyto     : "selection"
        actionname  : "MyFirstModule.GetFavoriteFood",
        guids       : [281530811285515, 281530811285506],
    callback        : function(obj) {
        // expect single MxObject
    error           : function(error) {
}, this);


This method is called to inform the Runtime that a widget is no longer interested in an object. If the object is not persistable, this may cause the object being removed from the Runtime cache.


Name Type Description
| objs
MxObject or Array of MxObjects
The MxObjects to release.

create(args, scope)

This method is called to create a MxObject.


Name Type Description
args.entity String Entity to create an instance of.
args.callback Function Function to handle the result.
args.error Function Function to handle errors.
scope Object Scope in which the error and callback handler are invoked.

save(args, scope)

This method is called to save a MxObject.


Name Type Description
args.mxobj MxObject MxObject to save changes for.
args.callback Function Function to handle the result.
args.error Function Function to handle errors.
scope Object Scope in which the error and callback handler are invoked.

    mxobj    : obj,
    callback : function() {
        console.log("Object saved");

commit(args, scope)

This method is called to commit a MxObject. When there are changes, these will automatically be sent to the Runtime.


Name Type Description
args.mxobj MxObject MxObject to save changes for.
args.callback Function Function to handle the result.
args.error Function Function to handle errors.
args.onValidation Function Function to handle validation feedback.
args.standalone Boolean Whether other changes may be sent along.
scope Object Scope in which the error and callback handler are invoked.

    mxobj    : obj,
    callback : function() {
        console.log("Object committed");
    error : function(err) {
        console.log("Error occurred attempting to commit " + err);

rollback(args, scope)

This method is called to rollback a MxObject.


Name Type Description
args.mxobj MxObject MxObject to save changes for.
args.callback Function Function to handle the result.
args.error Function Function to handle errors.
scope Object Scope in which the error and callback handler are invoked.

remove(args, scope)

This method is called to remove MxObjects. Only one of the guid / guids parameters should be set.


Name Type Description
args.guid Number GUID of MxObject to remove.
args.guids Array GUIDS of MxObjects to remove.
args.callback Function Function to handle the result.
args.error Function Function to handle errors.
scope Object Scope in which the error and callback handler are invoked.

    guid    : 123456,
    callback : function() {
        console.log("Object removed");
    error : function(err) {
        console.log("Error occurred attempting to remove object " + err);
    guids   : [123456, 45678],
    callback : function() {
        console.log("Objects removed");
    error : function(err) {
        console.log("Error occurred attempting to remove objects " + err);


This method is called to register a callback to be invoked on changes in a specific MxObject, an attribute of a specific MxObject or any changes to MxObjects of a specific entity. Widgets inherit a method from Widget, this.connect() which automatically sets up an unsubscription function to be run on Widget teardown.


Name Type Description
args.guid Number The GUID to subscribe to
args.entity String The entity to subscribe to
args.attr String The attribute to subscribe to
args.callback Function The callback to invoke when an update is available


Type Description
Object Handler which can be passed to unsubscribe to remove the subscription


    // Subscribe to all changes in an MxObject
        guid     : 123213,
        callback : cb // # GUID

    // Subscribe to changes in a specific attribute of an MxObject
        guid     : 123213,
        attr     : 'Name',
        callback : cb // # GUID

    // Subscribe to validations of an MxObject
        guid     : 123213,
        val      : true,
        callback : cb // # GUID

    // Subscribe to changes in a class
        class     : 'System.User',
        callback : cb


This method is called to unregister a callback to be invoked on changes in a specific MxObject, an attribute of a specific MxObject or any changes to MxObjects of a specific entity. Unregistering callbacks when they are no longer needed is important to prevent memory leaks. Widgets inherit a method from Widget, this.connect() which automatically sets up an unsubscription function to be run on Widget teardown.


Name Type Description
args Object Handler which should be the return value of a subscribe call


This method is called to call listeners to changes in a specific MxObject, an attribute of a specific MxObject or any changes to MxObjects of a specific entity.


Name Type Description
args.guid Number The GUID to subscribe to
args.entity String The entity to subscribe to
args.attr String The attribute to subscribe to
args.callback Function The callback to invoke when an update is available


This method is called to create a XPath query, based on an entity and a MxContext.


Name Type Description
args.entity String The entity to create an XPath query for.
args.context MxContext The context on which the query constrains.
args.callback String The function to handle the result.
args.error String The function to handle errors.

getBacktrackConstraints(metaobj, context, callback)

This method is called to create XPath constraints, based on an MxMetaObject and a MxContext.


Name Type Description
metaobj MxMetaObject The MxMetaObject of the entity.
context MxContext The context on which the constraints constrain.
callback String The function to handle the result.


This method is called to startup the subsystem.


Name Type Description
callback Function The function to be called when startup is finished.


This method is called to shutdown the subsystem.


This method is called to check whether the subsystem has been started.


Type Description
Boolean true if the subsystem has been started.