Interface ICore

public interface ICore
This documentation can be used when developing custom Java actions or custom Java modules to enhance application functionality.
Core is a good starting point to find functionality. This class provides amongst other functionality: all object actions (create, change, commit, delete, rollback), authentication and sign-in functionality and file document handling.

This is an internal interface that is not to be used and may change any time.

  • Method Details

    • getListenersRegistry

      ListenersRegistry getListenersRegistry()
      Returns an instance of ListenersRegistry which can be used to register callbacks on system events for all persistable entities in the application.
      the register of listeners
    • addUserAction

      void addUserAction(Class<? extends UserAction<?>> userActionClass)
      Add the action specified by the given action name to action registry. This enables calling execute(actionName) for this action.
      userActionClass - the action (e.g. com.mendix.action.MyAction)
    • authenticate

      boolean authenticate(IContext context, IUser user, String password) throws CoreException
      Authenticate the given user with the given password.
      context - the context for executing the authentication action
      user - the user to authenticate
      password - the password of the user to authenticate
      returns true if authentication was successful
    • buildException

      void buildException(StringBuilder trace, Throwable throwable)
      Prints the message and stacktrace of a Throwable and its cause(s).
      trace - the StringBuilder the exception is printed to
      throwable - the Throwable to print
    • change

      boolean change(IContext context, IMendixObject object, Map<String,String> changes) throws CoreException
      Changes the given object in the state store (synchronously). When the object is not in the state store yet, the object will be retrieved from the database and put in the state store. This action is executed in a transaction.

      The 'changed by' and 'changed date' system attributes will be updated, independently of if there's an actual change. This is different behavior than in microflows.
      context - the context
      object - the object to change
      changes - contains changes by member name (e.g. <"Name", "User1">)
      returns whether the change succeeded or not
    • changeAsync

      @Deprecated Future<Boolean> changeAsync(IContext context, IMendixObject obj, Map<String,String> changes)
      since 9.24. Use change(IContext, IMendixObject, Map) instead.
      Changes the object (asynchronously). Object will be stored in the state store. This action is not executed in a transaction.

      The 'changed by' and 'changed date' system attributes will be updated, independently of if there's an actual change. This is different behavior than in microflows.
      context - the context
      obj - the MendixObject to change
      changes - contains changes by member name (e.g. <"Name", "User1">)
      returns the Future object
    • commit

      IMendixObject commit(IContext context, IMendixObject object) throws CoreException
      Commits the given object. This will store the object in the database and remove it from the server state store. This action is executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      object - the IMendixObject to commit
      returns committed object
      CoreRuntimeException - if commit fails
    • commit

      List<IMendixObject> commit(IContext context, List<IMendixObject> objects)
      Commits the given objects. This will store the objects in the database and remove them from the server state store. Before events defined for these objects are executed before any object will be committed and after events will be executed after all objects have been committed. This action is executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      objects - the objects to commit
      returns committed objects
      CoreRuntimeException - if commit fails
    • commit

      IMendixObject commit(IContext context, IMendixObject object, int queryTimeout)
      Commits the given object. This will store the object in the database and remove it from the server state store. This action is executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      object - the IMendixObject to commit
      queryTimeout - the timeout for queries related to this commit
      returns committed object
      CoreRuntimeException - if commit fails
    • commit

      List<IMendixObject> commit(IContext context, List<IMendixObject> objects, int queryTimeout)
      Commits the given objects. This will store the objects in the database and remove them from the server state store. Before events defined for these objects are executed before any object will be committed and after events will be executed after all objects have been committed. This action is executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      objects - the objects to commit
      queryTimeout - the timeout for queries related to this commit
      returns committed objects
      CoreRuntimeException - if commit fails
    • commitAsync

      @Deprecated List<Future<List<IMendixObject>>> commitAsync(IContext context, List<IMendixObject> objects)
      since 9.24. Use commit(IContext, List) instead.
      Commits the given object (asynchronously). This will store the object in the database and remove it from the server state store. This action is not executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      objects - the instances of IMendixObject to commit
      returns a list of future objects with committed object lists, one for each entity type
    • commitWithoutEvents

      IMendixObject commitWithoutEvents(IContext context, IMendixObject object)

      Commits the given object without events. This will store the object in the database and remove it from the server cache.

      This action is executed in a transaction.

      Validations except unique validation are not executed. It is possible to save an entity which would not pass validations using this method.

      context - the context
      object - the IMendixObject to commit
      returns committed object
      CoreRuntimeException - if commit fails
    • commitWithoutEvents

      IMendixObject commitWithoutEvents(IContext context, IMendixObject object, int queryTimeout)

      Commits the given object without events. This will store the object in the database and remove it from the server cache.

      This action is executed in a transaction.

      Validations except unique validation are not executed. It is possible to save an entity which would not pass validations using this method.

      context - the context
      object - the IMendixObject to commit
      queryTimeout - the timeout for queries related to this commit
      returns committed object
      CoreRuntimeException - if commit fails
    • commitWithoutEvents

      List<IMendixObject> commitWithoutEvents(IContext context, List<IMendixObject> objects)

      Commits the given objects without events. This will store the objects in the database and remove it from the server cache.

      This action is executed in a transaction.

      Validations except unique validation are not executed. It is possible to save entities which would not pass validations using this method.

      context - the context
      objects - the objects to commit
      returns committed objects
      CoreRuntimeException - if commit fails
    • commitWithoutEvents

      List<IMendixObject> commitWithoutEvents(IContext context, List<IMendixObject> objects, int queryTimeout)

      Commits the given objects without events. This will store the objects in the database and remove it from the server cache.

      This action is executed in a transaction.

      Validations except unique validation are not executed. It is possible to save entities which would not pass validations using this method.

      context - the context
      objects - the objects to commit
      queryTimeout - the query timeout
      returns committed objects
      CoreRuntimeException - if commit fails
    • createDataType

      IDataType createDataType(String type)
      Creates a DataType based on a type.
      Possible types:
      - Boolean
      - Integer
      - Long
      - Float
      - String
      - Datetime
      - {code#id} (enumeration key)
      - ModuleName.ObjectName (IMendixObject)
      - [ModuleName.ObjectName] (List<IMendixObject>)
      type - the type to base the IDataType on
      the resulting IDataType
    • createDataType

      IDataType createDataType(String objectType, String attributeName)
      Creates a DataType based on an object type and an attribute name.
      objectType - the object type (format: "ModuleName.EntityName")
      attributeName - the attribute to create the IDataType for (should be a member of above object type)
      the resulting IDataType
    • createMendixIdentifier

      IMendixIdentifier createMendixIdentifier(long guid)
      Creates a new IMendixIdentifier for the given guid.
      guid - the guid
      returns the created MendixIdentifier
    • createMendixIdentifier

      IMendixIdentifier createMendixIdentifier(String guid)
      Creates a IMendixIdentifier for the given guid.
      guid - the guid
      returns the created MendixIdentifier
    • createOQLTextGetRequest

      IOQLTextGetRequest createOQLTextGetRequest()
      Create a new IOQLTextGetRequest. This class can be used to define a textual OQL retrieval query.
      an IOQLTextGetRequest
    • createOQLTextGetRequestFromDataSet

      IOQLTextGetRequest createOQLTextGetRequestFromDataSet(String dataSetQualifiedName)
      Instantiate IOQLTextGetRequest from given qualified DataSet name.

      Code examples

      Example OQL query without parameters

        private String getOqlQueryFromDataSet(String dataSetName) {
            final IOQLTextGetRequest oqlTextGetRequest = Core.createOQLTextGetRequestFromDataSet(dataSetName);
            return oqlTextGetRequest.getQuery();
        public Report generateReport() {
            String oqlQuery = getOqlQueryFromDataSet();
            final IDataTable dataTable = Core.retrieveOQLDataTable(context, oqlQuery);
            final List<? extends IDataRow> rows = dataTable.getRows();
            Report report = new Report();
            return report;
      The above example first defines a getOqlQueryFromDataSet method at the top, which returns a OQL query in string format. It takes a qualified dataSetName which means DataSet name along with its module name separated by '.' character. For example, if the name of the DataSet is ReportGeneratorDataSet and it belongs to a module named Reporting then the qualified DataSet name will be Reporting.ReportGeneratorDataSet.
      This method is then used in generateReport method which retrieves a database data table from the OQL query.

      Example OQL query along with its parameters
       public Report generateReport(String dataSetName) {
           final IOQLTextGetRequest oqlTextGetRequest = Core.createOQLTextGetRequestFromDataSet(dataSetName);
           final IParameterMap newParameterMap = oqlTextGetRequest.createParameterMap();
           newParameterMap.put("ParGroupNumber", 4); // Set value of ParGroupNumber parameter to 4
           final IDataTable dataTable = Core.retrieveOQLDataTable(context, oqlTextGetRequest);
           final List<? extends IDataRow> rows = dataTable.getRows();
           Report report = new Report();
           return report;
      The above example defines a similar generateReport method as shown in the previous example, however in this case the given DataSet has a OQL query which takes parameters. Let us consider that the given DataSet contains following OQL query with a parameter named ParGroupNumber -
         FROM CRM.Customers As CustomerObj
         INNER JOIN CustomerObj/CRM.Orders_Customer/CRM.Orders As OrderObj
         WHERE CustomerObj/CRM.Customer_Group/CRM.Group/GroupNumber = $ParGroupNumber
         GROUP BY CustomerObj/Name
         SELECT CustomerObj/Name As Name, SUM(OrderObj/TotalAmount) As TotalAmount
      Using the DataSet name generateReport method first creates a oqlTextGetRequest. Next, in order to set the ParGroupNumber parameter a new IParameterMap is instantiated and the value of ParGroupNumber parameter is specified, which in the above example would be 4. Finally, we provide this newParameterMap to the setParameters method of IOQLTextGetRequest. This modified request is then used to retrieve a data table from the database, which in turn is used to generate a report.
      dataSetQualifiedName - the qualified name of the DataSet containing OQL
      an instance of IOQLTextGetRequest if DataSet with OQL is found by given name
      IllegalArgumentException - if given qualified name is null, has invalid format, found DataSet contains Java Action or DataSet is not found
    • createRetrievalSchema

      IRetrievalSchema createRetrievalSchema()
      Create a new IRetrievalSchema.
      an IRetrievalSchema
    • createSystemContext

      IContext createSystemContext()
      Returns the context of the system session (this is always a sudo context). The system session has no associated user or user roles.
      returns the system session context
    • getSessionById

      ISession getSessionById(UUID sessionId)
      Returns the session belonging to the given session id.
      sessionId - A session id
      The session belonging to the id. Returns null of not found
    • createXPathTextGetRequest

      IXPathTextGetRequest createXPathTextGetRequest()
      Create a new IXPathTextGetRequest. This class can be used to define an XPath retrieval query. The query must be set in textual form.
      an IXPathTextGetRequest
    • createXPathQuery

      XPathQuery createXPathQuery(String xpathQuery)
      Creates an XPath query representation that can be built up in a fluent manner

      Can be used to create and execute XPath queries in a fluent manner. For example:

       public getObjectsWithValue(IContext context, ICore core, int value) {
           List<IMendixObject> results = core.createXPathQuery("//Entity[attribute=$value]")
               .setVariable("value", 1)
           return results;

      After the XPath query is built up, XPathQueryBase.execute(IContext) can be called to retrieve the results.

      xpathQuery - the XPath query to execute. Variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit)'. If variables are declared inside the XPath query, they can be set using XPathQuery.setVariable(java.lang.String, java.math.BigDecimal) Unset variables are treated as NULL.
      instance of XPathQuery that can be used to construct an XPath query
      Mendix 7.17
    • delete

      boolean delete(IContext context, IMendixObject... objects)
      Deletes the given objects from the database and server state store (synchronously). This action is executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      objects - the objects to delete
      returns whether delete succeeded
    • delete

      boolean delete(IContext context, int queryTimeout, IMendixObject... objects)
      Deletes the given objects from the database and server state store (synchronously). This action is executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      queryTimeout - the timeout for queries related to this delete
      objects - the objects to delete
      returns whether delete succeeded
    • delete

      boolean delete(IContext context, List<IMendixObject> objectList)
      Deletes the given objects from the database and server state store (synchronously). This action is executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      objectList - the objects to delete
      returns whether delete succeeded
    • delete

      boolean delete(IContext context, List<IMendixObject> objectList, boolean useDeleteBehavior)
      Deletes the given objects from the database and server state store (synchronously). This action is executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      objectList - the objects to delete
      useDeleteBehavior - whether to use delete behavior
      returns whether the delete succeeded
    • deleteAsync

      @Deprecated List<Future<Boolean>> deleteAsync(IContext context, IMendixObject object, boolean useDeleteBehavior)
      since 9.24. Use delete(IContext, List, boolean) instead.
      Deletes the given object from the database and server state store (asynchronously). This action is not executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      object - the object to delete
      useDeleteBehavior - whether to use delete behavior
      returns a list of future booleans, one for each entity type
    • deleteAsync

      @Deprecated List<Future<Boolean>> deleteAsync(IContext context, List<IMendixObject> objects, boolean useDeleteBehavior)
      since 9.24. Use delete(IContext, List, boolean) instead.
      Deletes the given object from the database and server state store (asynchronously). This action is not executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      objects - the objects to delete
      useDeleteBehavior - whether to use delete behavior
      returns a list of future booleans, one for each entity type
    • deleteWithoutEvents

      boolean deleteWithoutEvents(IContext context, List<IMendixObject> objects, boolean useDeleteBehavior)
      Deletes the given objects from the database and server state store (synchronously) without events This action is executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      objects - the objects to delete
      useDeleteBehavior - whether to use delete behavior
      returns whether delete succeeded
    • evaluateExpression

      Object evaluateExpression(IContext context, Map<String,Object> variables, String expression)
      Evaluate the given (microflow)expression.
      context - the context
      variables - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
      expression - the expression
      the evaluated value of the expression
    • microflowCall

      MicroflowCallBuilder microflowCall(String name)
      Prepare to call a microflow. Parameters and transaction properties can be set and specified microflow can be called using the returned object.
           .withParam("Param1", "Value1")
           .withParam("Param2", "Value2")
      name - the name of the microflow to prepare
      a builder for constructing the microflow
      See Also:
    • userActionCall

      UserActionCallBuilder userActionCall(String name)
      Prepare to call a Java action. Parameters can be set and specified action can be called using the returned object.
           .withParams("Value1", "Value2")
      name - the name of the user action to prepare
      a builder for constructing the user action
      See Also:
    • execute

      <T extends ICoreAction<R>, R> Future<R> execute(T action)
      Execute an action asynchronously, result is given and/or exceptions are raised when calling Future.get(). When calling Future.get() the result of the action will return immediately if the execution is done, otherwise the call is blocking. Exceptions raised while executing the action will not be thrown until Future.get() is called.
      Type Parameters:
      T - action type, subclass of CoreAction
      R - result type of the action, which should match the return value of the action
      action - the action to execute
      the Future object
    • executeAsync

      <R> Future<R> executeAsync(IContext context, String actionName, boolean executeInTransaction, Map<String,Object> params) throws CoreException
      Execute the specified microflow (asynchronously).
      Type Parameters:
      R - result type of the action, which should match the return value of the action
      context - the context for this microflow
      actionName - the name of the microflow (format "ModuleName.ActionName")
      executeInTransaction - defines whether the microflow should be executed in a transaction (enables rolling back changes when exceptions are raised).
      params - microflow parameters by name
      return value of the specified microflow
    • executeAsync

      <R> Future<R> executeAsync(IContext context, String actionName, Object... params) throws CoreException
      Execute the specified action (asynchronously), result is given and/or exceptions are raised when calling Future.get(). When calling Future.get() the result of the action will return immediately if the execution is done, otherwise the call is blocking. Exceptions raised while executing the action will not be thrown until Future.get() is called.

      Note that when called with a microflow, primitives will not be passed and multiple arguments that are a subtype of a microflow parameter will not work as expected.

      When calling microflows use executeAsync(IContext, String, boolean, Map) instead.

      Type Parameters:
      R - result type of the action, which should match the return value of the action
      context - the context for this action
      actionName - the name of a microflow or Java action (format "ModuleName.ActionName")
      params - for microflows: add IMendixObject, IMendixIdentifier or primitive parameters for Java actions: add any object parameters.
      the Future object
    • executeSync

      <T extends ICoreAction<R>, R> R executeSync(T action) throws CoreException
      Execute an action synchronously.
      Type Parameters:
      T - action type, subclass of CoreAction
      R - result type of the action, which should match the return value of the action
      action - the action to execute
      return value of the specified action
    • executeVoid

      <T extends ICoreAction<R>, R> void executeVoid(T action)
      Execute the specified action (asynchronously).
      Type Parameters:
      T - action type, subclass of CoreAction
      R - result type of the action, which should be Object
      action - the action to execute
    • getActionQueueSize

      int getActionQueueSize()
      Returns the current action pool queue size.
      returns current queue size of action thread pool
    • getActiveActionCount

      int getActiveActionCount()
      Returns the current number of active actions. This number represents only the actions which were started asynchronously.
      number of current active actions
    • getActiveSession

      ISession getActiveSession(String userName)
      Returns the active session for the user with the given username.
      userName - the username associated with the session to search for
      the session associated with the given username if such a session exists, otherwise null
    • getActiveSessions

      Collection<? extends ISession> getActiveSessions()
      Returns all active sessions.
      the active sessions
    • getAllMendixObjects

      Iterable<IMendixObject> getAllMendixObjects()
      Get all IMendixObject types.
      returns a list with all IMendixObjects (one object for each existing type)
    • getCompletedActionCount

      long getCompletedActionCount()
      Returns the number of completed actions since server startup. This number represents only the actions which were started asynchronously.
      number of completed actions
    • getConcurrentUserCount

      long getConcurrentUserCount(boolean anonymous)
      The current number of concurrent users.
      anonymous - whether anonymous users should be included in the count
      the number of concurrent users
    • getConfiguration

      Configuration getConfiguration()
      Returns the current configuration.
      the configuration
    • getCurrentPoolSize

      int getCurrentPoolSize()
      Returns the current action pool size.
      the current size of the action thread pool
    • getDatabaseChildColumnName

      String getDatabaseChildColumnName(IMetaAssociation metaAssociation)
      Returns the name of the database column for the child of the given association.
      metaAssociation - the meta association to get the database child column name for
      the name of the database child column name
    • getDatabaseColumnName

      String getDatabaseColumnName(IMetaPrimitive metaPrimitive)
      Returns the name of the database column for the given attribute.
      metaPrimitive - the meta primitive to get the database column name for
      the name of the database column
    • getDatabaseParentColumnName

      String getDatabaseParentColumnName(IMetaAssociation metaAssociation)
      Returns the name of the database column for the parent of the given association.
      metaAssociation - the meta association to get the database parent column name for
      the name of the database parent column name
    • getDatabaseTableName

      String getDatabaseTableName(IMetaObject metaObject)
      Returns the name of the database table for the given entity type.
      metaObject - the metaobject to get the database table name for
      the name of the database table
    • getDatabaseTableName

      String getDatabaseTableName(IMetaAssociation metaAssociation)
      Returns the name of the database table for the given association. This table will contain two columns, to be able to store the id's of both sides of the association.
      metaAssociation - the meta association to get the database table name for
      the name of the database table
    • getDefaultLanguage

      ILanguage getDefaultLanguage()
      Returns the default language of the loaded project.
      the default language
    • getLanguage

      ILanguage getLanguage(IContext context)
      Get the language for the current context. If the session linked with this context is a user session the language will be the language of the user, in case of a system session and in case there is no language configured for this user, it will be the default language.
      context - the context to retrieve the language from
      Language of the user attached to this session or the default language
      See Also:
    • getFileDocumentContent

      InputStream getFileDocumentContent(IContext context, IMendixObject fileDocument)
      Returns contents of a file document as an input stream. The returned stream must be closed when it is not needed anymore. No security checks will be performed.
      context - the context
      fileDocument - the file document from which the contents will be returned
      the input stream of the file content of the given file document
    • getImage

      InputStream getImage(IContext context, IMendixObject imageDocument, boolean retrieveThumbnail)
      Retrieve contents of the given image document. The returned stream must be closed when it is not needed anymore. No security checks will be performed.
      context - the context
      imageDocument - the image document for which its contents are retrieved
      retrieveThumbnail - indicates whether a thumbnail or the full image is retrieved
      the image as an input stream
    • getInputParameters

      Map<String,IDataType> getInputParameters(String actionName)
      Returns all input parameter data types the specified action by name.
      actionName - the name of a microflow or java action (format "ModuleName.ActionName")
      data types by input parameter name
    • getInternationalizedString

      String getInternationalizedString(IContext context, String key, Object... args)
      Returns the translated string for a certain key and context. The context is used to retrieve the language of the current user.
      context - the context
      key - the key referring to the translatable string
      args - the arguments which should be applied to translatable string template
      the translated string
    • getInternationalizedString

      String getInternationalizedString(String languageCode, String key, Object... args)
      Returns the translated string for a certain key and language code.
      languageCode - the language code (ISO-639)
      key - the key referring to the translatable string
      args - values which should replace possible templates in the translatable string ({1}, {2}, etc.)
      the translated string
    • getLargestPoolSize

      int getLargestPoolSize()
      Returns the largest action pool size.
      the maximum number of threads the thread pool has ever ran
    • getLocale

      Locale getLocale(IContext context)
      Retrieve locale using the given context.
      context - the context
      the Locale
    • getLocale

      Locale getLocale(String languageCode)
      Retrieve locale using the given language code (e.g. en_US).
      languageCode - the languageCode (ISO-639)
      the Locale
    • getMaximumNumberConcurrentUsers

      int getMaximumNumberConcurrentUsers() throws CoreException
      Returns the maximum number of concurrent users since the server was started.
      maximum number of concurrent users
    • getMetaAssociation

      IMetaAssociation getMetaAssociation(String association)
      Get the IMetaAssociation corresponding to the given association name.
      association - the association name (e.g. "System.UserRoles")
      returns the IMetaAssociation for the given association name
    • getMetaAssociations

      Iterable<IMetaAssociation> getMetaAssociations()
      Get all IMetaAssociations.
      returns all IMetaAssociations
    • getMetaObject

      IMetaObject getMetaObject(String metaObjectName)
      Get the IMetaObject corresponding to the given metaobject name.
      metaObjectName - the metaobject name
      returns the IMetaObject for the given metaObjectName
    • getMetaObjects

      Iterable<IMetaObject> getMetaObjects()
      Get all IMetaObjects.
      returns all IMetaObjects
    • getMetaPrimitive

      IMetaPrimitive getMetaPrimitive(String qualifiedAttributeName)
      Get the IMetaPrimitive based on a qualified attribute name (e.g. "System.User.Name").
      qualifiedAttributeName - the qualified attribute name
      the IMetaPrimitive
    • getMicroflowNames

      Set<String> getMicroflowNames()
      Returns the names of all modeled microflows.
      all microflow names (format "ModuleName.MicroflowName")
    • getNamedUserCount

      long getNamedUserCount()
      Returns the number of named, active users, excluding the admin user.
      the number of users
    • getNumberConcurrentSessions

      long getNumberConcurrentSessions()
      Returns current number of concurrent sessions.
      the number of concurrent sessions
    • getProfiler

      IProfiler getProfiler()
      Returns the currently registered profiler (if any).
      the profiler if one is registered; null otherwise
    • getReturnType

      IDataType getReturnType(String actionName)
      Returns the return type of the specified action.
      actionName - the name of a microflow or java action (format "ModuleName.ActionName")
      the return data type of the specified action
    • getScheduledActionCount

      int getScheduledActionCount()
      Returns the number of actions currently scheduled for future execution.
      the number of scheduled actions
    • getStartupDateTime

      Date getStartupDateTime()
      Returns the startup date time of the Mendix runtime server.
      the date time on which the Mendix runtime server was started
    • getSubtypesOf

      List<String> getSubtypesOf(String objectType)
      Get all subtypes for an object type (including subtypes of subtypes, etc.).
      objectType - the object type
      list of subtypes, in no particular order
    • getUser

      IUser getUser(IContext context, String userName) throws CoreException
      Returns a user using the given username.
      context - the context
      userName - the username to retrieve a user for
      the retrieved user
    • getXASId

      String getXASId()
      Returns the id of this server instance.
      the server id in UUID format
    • getLogger

      ILogNode getLogger(String name)
      Returns the logger corresponding to the specified name. If no logger with that name exists yet, it is created.
      name - the name of te logger
      the log node
    • initializeGuestSession

      ISession initializeGuestSession() throws CoreException
      Initialize a new session for a guest user.
      the created session
      CoreException - if something goes wrong during the initializing a guest session
    • initializeSession

      ISession initializeSession(IUser user, String currentSessionId) throws CoreException
      Initialize a new session for the given user.
      user - the user for which the session should be initialized
      currentSessionId - id of the current session, will be used to transfer data when current session is associated with a guest user
      the created session
    • instantiate

      IMendixObject instantiate(IContext context, String objectType)
      Creates a new IMendixObject with the given object type (synchronously). The object will NOT be stored in the database. This action is executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      objectType - type of object to create (e.g. "System.User")
      returns the newly created object
    • instantiateAsync

      @Deprecated Future<IMendixObject> instantiateAsync(IContext context, String objectType)
      since 9.24. Use instantiate(IContext, String) instead.
      Creates a new IMendixObject with the given object type (asynchronously). The object will NOT be stored in the database. This action is not executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      objectType - type of object to create (e.g. "System.User")
      returns the Future object
    • isInDevelopment

      boolean isInDevelopment()
      Returns whether this runtime server is running in development mode.
      true if the server is in development mode; false otherwise
    • isSubClassOf

      @Deprecated boolean isSubClassOf(IMetaObject superObject, IMetaObject type)
      since 9.24. Below are a few alternative methods you can use instead.
      Checks whether a type is a subclass of or equal to a potential super class.
      superObject - the super object
      type - the name of the type to check
      returns true if type is a subclass of superClass or if type equals superClass
    • isSubClassOf

      @Deprecated boolean isSubClassOf(String superClass, short typeHash)
      since 9.24. Below are a few alternative methods you can use instead.
      Checks whether a type is a subclass of or equal to a potential super class.
      superClass - the name of the super class
      typeHash - the hash of the name of the type to check
      returns true if type is a subclass of superClass or if type equals superClass
    • isSubClassOf

      @Deprecated boolean isSubClassOf(String superClass, String type)
      since 9.24. Below are a few alternative methods you can use instead.
      Checks whether a type is a subclass of or equal to a potential super class.
      superClass - the name of the super class
      type - the name of the type to check
      returns true if type is a subclass of superClass or if type equals superClass
    • login

      ISession login(Map<String,?> params) throws CoreException
      Generic login method (can be used in modules in combination with LoginAction replacement).
      params - the params
      the created session if login was successful
      CoreException - when the login fails
    • login

      ISession login(String userName, String password) throws CoreException
      Login user with the given username and password.
      userName - the username
      password - the password
      the created session if login is successful
      CoreException - when the login fails
    • login

      ISession login(String userName, String password, IMxRuntimeRequest request) throws CoreException
      Login user with the given parameters.
      userName - the username
      password - the password
      request - the HTTP request
      the created session if login is successful
      CoreException - when the login fails
    • login

      ISession login(String userName, String password, String currentSessionId) throws CoreException
      Login user with the given parameters.
      userName - the username
      password - the password
      currentSessionId - current session UUID
      the created session if login is successful
      CoreException - when the login fails
    • logout

      void logout(ISession session)
      Logout the given session. When the session is persistent it will be removed from the database. If the session is not persistent it will be removed from the session state.
      session - the session to logout
    • registerLogSubscriber

      void registerLogSubscriber(LogSubscriber subscriber)
      Register the specified subscriber for receiving log events.
      subscriber - the subscriber to register
    • registerProfiler

      void registerProfiler(IProfiler profiler) throws MendixException
      Registers the specified profiler for receiving profiling events.
      profiler - the profiler to register
      IllegalArgumentException - if a profiler is already registered
    • removeScheduledFuture

      boolean removeScheduledFuture(RunnableScheduledFuture<?> scheduledFuture)
      Remove scheduled future.
      scheduledFuture - the RunnableScheduledFuture to remove
      whether removing the RunnableScheduledFuture was successful
    • reschedule

      <R> ScheduledFuture<?> reschedule(RunnableScheduledFuture<R> scheduledFuture, ICoreAction<R> action, long newDelay, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Reschedule an action with a new delay.
      Type Parameters:
      R - result type of the action, which should be Object
      scheduledFuture - the scheduledFuture (old action) to remove from the queue
      action - the action to reschedule
      newDelay - the new delay
      timeUnit - time unit of the delay
      scheduled future object
    • resolveTokens

      Object resolveTokens(IContext context, String text)
      Resolve tokens (Mendix system variables) in the given text. Possible tokens: - [%CurrentDateTime%] - [%CurrentUser%] - [%SecondLength%] - [%MinuteLength%] - [%HourLength%] - [%DayLength%] - [%WeekLength%] - [%MonthLength%] - [%YearLength%] - [%BeginOfCurrentMinute%] - [%EndOfCurrentMinute%] - [%BeginOfCurrentHour%] - [%BeginOfCurrentDay%] - [%EndOfCurrentDay%] - [%BeginOfCurrentWeek%] - [%EndOfCurrentWeek%] - [%BeginOfCurrentMonth%] - [%EndOfCurrentMonth%] - [%BeginOfCurrentYear%] - [%EndOfCurrentYear%] - [%UserRole_%Name%%] (e.g. [%UserRole_Administrator%])
      context - the context
      text - the text to resolve
      the resolved object
    • retrieveByPath

      List<IMendixObject> retrieveByPath(IContext context, IMendixObject mxObject, String path)
      Retrieves objects using the given object and path.
      context - the context
      mxObject - the start point of the path
      path - the path (association) to the objects to retrieve
      the list of retrieved objects
    • retrieveByPath

      List<IMendixObject> retrieveByPath(IContext context, IMendixObject mxObject, String path, boolean isSelfAssociationChild)
      Retrieves objects using the given object and path.
      context - the context
      mxObject - the start point of the path
      path - the path (association) to the objects to retrieve
      isSelfAssociationChild - defines whether the mxObject instance is the child of the path of a self association
      the list of retrieved objects
    • retrieveByPath

      List<IMendixObject> retrieveByPath(IContext context, IMendixObject mxObject, String path, String entity, boolean isSelfAssociationChild)
      Retrieves objects using the given object and path.
      context - the context
      mxObject - the start point of the path
      path - the path (association) to the objects to retrieve
      entity - the specialization entity to limit the results to
      isSelfAssociationChild - defines whether the mxObject instance is the child of the path of a self association
      the list of retrieved objects
    • retrieveId

      IMendixObject retrieveId(IContext context, IMendixIdentifier id) throws CoreException
      Retrieves object with the given id (synchronously). First, the object is attempted to be retrieved from the state store. When the object cannot be retrieved from the state store it will be retrieved from the database.
      context - the context
      id - id of the object to retrieve
      returns the Future object
    • retrieveIdAsync

      Future<IMendixObject> retrieveIdAsync(IContext context, IMendixIdentifier id)
      Retrieves object with the given id (asynchronously). First, the object is attempted to be retrieved from the state store. When the object cannot be retrieved from the state store it will be retrieved from the database.
      context - the context
      id - id of the object to retrieve
      returns the Future object
    • retrieveIdList

      List<IMendixObject> retrieveIdList(IContext context, List<IMendixIdentifier> ids) throws CoreException
      Retrieves objects with the given ids (synchronously). First, objects are attempted to be retrieved from the state store. When an object cannot be retrieved from the state store it will be retrieved from the database.
      context - the context
      ids - ids of the objects to retrieve
      returns the objects of the given ids
    • retrieveIdList

      List<IMendixObject> retrieveIdList(IContext context, List<IMendixIdentifier> ids, int amount, int offset, Map<String,String> sort) throws CoreException
      Retrieves objects with the given ids (synchronously). First, objects are attempted to be retrieved from the state store. When an object cannot be retrieved from the state store it will be retrieved from the database. When (amount > 0) || (offset > 0) || (sort.size() > 0), all objects will be retrieved from the database.
      context - the context
      ids - ids of the objects to retrieve
      amount - the maximum number of objects to retrieve from the database
      offset - offset of returned objects when retrieved from the database
      sort - sorting of returned objects when retrieved from the database (e.g. <"Name", "ASC">, <"Age", "DESC">)
      returns the Future object
    • retrieveIdListAsync

      Future<List<IMendixObject>> retrieveIdListAsync(IContext context, List<IMendixIdentifier> ids)
      Retrieves objects with the given ids (asynchronously). First, objects are attempted to be retrieved from the state store. When an object cannot be retrieved from the state store it will be retrieved from the database.
      context - the context
      ids - ids of the objects to retrieve
      returns the Future object
    • retrieveOQLDataTable

      IDataTable retrieveOQLDataTable(IContext context, String oqlQuery, int amount, int offset) throws CoreException
      Retrieve raw data (IDataTable) using an OQL query (asynchronously).
      context - context to be used to process this request
      oqlQuery - the OQL query to execute
      amount - maximum number of objects to retrieve
      offset - index of first object to retrieve
      the data table containing the raw data
    • retrieveOQLDataTable

      IDataTable retrieveOQLDataTable(IContext context, IGetRequest request) throws CoreException
      Retrieve raw data (IDataTable) using an IGetRequest object (synchronously).
      context - context to be used to process this request
      request - the request object
      the data table containing the raw data
    • retrieveOQLDataTable

      IDataTable retrieveOQLDataTable(IContext context, String oqlQuery) throws CoreException
      Retrieve raw data (IDataTable) using an IGetRequest object (synchronously).
      context - context to be used to process this request
      oqlQuery - the OQL query to execute
      the data table containing the raw data
    • retrieveOQLDataTableAsync

      Future<IDataTable> retrieveOQLDataTableAsync(IContext context, String oqlQuery)
      Retrieve raw data (IDataTable) using an OQL query (asynchronously).
      context - context to be used to process this request
      oqlQuery - the OQL query to execute
      the Future object
    • retrieveOQLDataTableAsync

      Future<IDataTable> retrieveOQLDataTableAsync(IContext context, IGetRequest request)
      Retrieve raw data (IDataTable) using an IGetRequest object (asynchronously).
      context - context to be used to process this request
      request - the request object
      the Future object
    • retrieveOQLDataTableAsync

      Future<IDataTable> retrieveOQLDataTableAsync(IContext context, String oqlQuery, int amount, int offset)
      Retrieve raw data (IDataTable) using an OQL query (asynchronously).
      context - context to be used to process this request
      oqlQuery - the OQL query to execute
      amount - maximum number of objects to retrieve
      offset - index of first object to retrieve
      the Future object
    • retrieveXPathQuery

      @Deprecated List<IMendixObject> retrieveXPathQuery(IContext context, String xpathQuery, int amount, int offset, Map<String,String> sort) throws CoreException
      Use createXPathQuery(java.lang.String) to execute XPath queries
      Retrieves object list based on the given XPath query (synchronously).
      context - context to be used to process this request
      xpathQuery - the XPath query to execute
      amount - maximum number of objects to retrieve
      offset - index of first object to retrieve
      sort - sorting of returned objects when retrieved from the database (e.g. <"Name", "ASC">, <"Age", "DESC">)
      the list of retrieved objects
    • retrieveXPathQuery

      @Deprecated List<IMendixObject> retrieveXPathQuery(IContext context, String xpathQuery) throws CoreException
      Use createXPathQuery(java.lang.String) to execute XPath queries
      Retrieves object list based on the given XPath query (synchronously).
      context - context to be used to process this request
      xpathQuery - the XPath query to execute
      the list of retrieved objects
    • retrieveXPathQuery

      @Deprecated List<IMendixObject> retrieveXPathQuery(IContext context, String xpathQuery, int amount, int offset, Map<String,String> sort, int depth) throws CoreException
      Use createXPathQuery(java.lang.String) to execute XPath queries
      Retrieves object list based on the given XPath query (synchronously).
      context - context to be used to process this request
      xpathQuery - the XPath query to execute
      amount - maximum number of objects to retrieve
      offset - index of first object to retrieve
      sort - sorting of returned objects when retrieved from the database (e.g. <"Name", "ASC">, <"Age", "DESC">)
      depth - indicates the level until which each reference (IMendixIdentifier) is also retrieved as an IMendixObject
      the list of retrieved objects
    • retrieveXPathQueryAggregate

      @Deprecated Long retrieveXPathQueryAggregate(IContext context, String xpathQuery) throws CoreException
      Use createXPathQuery(java.lang.String) to execute XPath queries
      Retrieves a long aggregate value based on the given query.

      The root element of the query should be an aggregate function.

      context - context to be used to process this request
      xpathQuery - the aggregate xpath query (e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)")
      the aggregated result
    • retrieveXPathQueryAggregateDouble

      @Deprecated Double retrieveXPathQueryAggregateDouble(IContext context, String xpathQuery) throws CoreException
      Use createXPathQuery(java.lang.String) to execute XPath queries
      Retrieves a double aggregate value based on the given query.

      The root element of the query should be an aggregate function.

      context - context to be used to process this request
      xpathQuery - the aggregate xpath query (e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)")
      the aggregated result
    • retrieveXPathQueryAggregateDecimal

      @Deprecated BigDecimal retrieveXPathQueryAggregateDecimal(IContext context, String xpathQuery)
      Use createXPathQuery(java.lang.String) to execute XPath queries
      Retrieves a Decimal aggregate value based on the given query.

      The root element of the query should be an aggregate function.

      context - context to be used to process this request
      xpathQuery - the aggregate xpath query (e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)")
      the aggregated result
    • retrieveXPathQueryRaw

      @Deprecated IDataTable retrieveXPathQueryRaw(IContext context, String xpathQuery, int amount, int offset, Map<String,String> sort, int depth) throws CoreException
      Use createXPathQuery(java.lang.String) to execute XPath queries
      Retrieves raw data (IDataTables) based on the given XPath query (synchronously).
      context - context to be used to process this request
      xpathQuery - the XPath query to execute
      amount - maximum number of objects to retrieve
      offset - index of first object to retrieve
      sort - sorting of returned objects when retrieved from the database (e.g. <"Name", "ASC">, <"Age", "DESC">)
      depth - indicates the level until which each reference (IMendixIdentifier) is also retrieved as an IMendixObject
      the data table containing the raw data
    • retrieveXPathQueryAggregateSchema

      @Deprecated Long retrieveXPathQueryAggregateSchema(IContext context, String xpathQuery, IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema) throws CoreException
      Use createXPathQuery(java.lang.String) to execute XPath queries
      Retrieves long aggregate value based on the given query and schema (root element of the query should be an aggregate function). (synchronously)
      context - context to be used to process this request
      xpathQuery - the aggregate xpath query (e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)")
      retrievalSchema - the schema
      the aggregate value
    • retrieveXPathQueryAggregateSchema

      @Deprecated Long retrieveXPathQueryAggregateSchema(IContext context, String xpathQuery, IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema, boolean disableSecurity) throws CoreException
      Use createXPathQuery(java.lang.String) to execute XPath queries
      Retrieves long aggregate value based on the given query and schema (root element of the query should be an aggregate function). (synchronously)
      context - context to be used to process this request
      xpathQuery - the aggregate xpath query (e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)")
      retrievalSchema - the schema
      disableSecurity - whether security should be applied for this retrieval
      the aggregate value
    • retrieveXPathQueryAggregateAsyncDouble

      Future<Double> retrieveXPathQueryAggregateAsyncDouble(IContext context, String xpathQuery)
      Retrieves long value based on the given query (query should have an aggregate function as root element).
      context - context to be used to process this request
      xpathQuery - the aggregate XPath query (e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)")
      returns Future object for action control and return of action result
    • retrieveXPathQueryAggregateAsync

      Future<Long> retrieveXPathQueryAggregateAsync(IContext context, String xpathQuery)
      Retrieves long aggregate value based on the given query (root element of the query should be an aggregate function) (asynchronously).
      context - context to be used to process this request
      xpathQuery - the aggregate xpath query (e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)")
      the Future object
    • retrieveXPathQueryAsync

      Future<List<IMendixObject>> retrieveXPathQueryAsync(IContext context, String xpathQuery, int amount, int offset, Map<String,String> sort, int depth)
      Retrieves object list based on the given XPath query (asynchronously).
      context - the context
      xpathQuery - the XPath query to execute
      amount - maximum number of objects to retrieve
      offset - index of first object to retrieve
      sort - sorting of returned objects when retrieved from the database (e.g. <"Name", "ASC">, <"Age", "DESC">)
      depth - indicates the level until which each reference (IMendixIdentifier) is also retrieved as an IMendixObject
      the Future object
    • retrieveXPathSchema

      @Deprecated List<IMendixObject> retrieveXPathSchema(IContext context, String xpathQuery, IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema, boolean shouldRetrieveCount, boolean disableSecurity) throws CoreException
      Use createXPathQuery(java.lang.String) to execute XPath queries
      Retrieves objects based on the XPath query and given schema (synchronously).
      context - the context
      xpathQuery - the XPath query to execute
      retrievalSchema - the schema to apply
      shouldRetrieveCount - indicates whether the total number object corresponding to the given schema should be included in the result.
      disableSecurity - indicates whether security should be applied when this query is being executed
      the list of retrieved objects
    • retrieveXPathSchemaRaw

      @Deprecated IDataTable retrieveXPathSchemaRaw(IContext context, String xpathQuery, boolean shouldRetrieveCount, IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema) throws CoreException
      Use createXPathQuery(java.lang.String) to execute XPath queries
      Retrieves raw data (IDataTables) based on the XPath query and given schema (synchronously).
      context - the context
      xpathQuery - the XPath query to execute
      shouldRetrieveCount - indicates whether the total number object corresponding to the given schema should be included in the result.
      retrievalSchema - the schema to apply
      the data table containing the raw data
    • rollback

      IMendixObject rollback(IContext context, IMendixObject object) throws CoreException
      Rollback changes of the object with the given id (synchronously). When the object's state is NORMAL: Removes the object from the state store, all performed changes without commit will be lost. When the object's state is NEW: Removes the object from the database. This action is executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      object - the object to rollback
      returns the Future object
    • rollbackAsync

      @Deprecated Future<IMendixObject> rollbackAsync(IContext context, IMendixObject object)
      since 9.24. Use rollback(IContext, IMendixObject) instead.
      Rollback changes of the object with the given id (asynchronously). When the object's state is NORMAL: Removes the object from the state store, all performed changes without commit will be lost. When the object's state is NEW: Removes the object from the database. This action is not executed in a transaction.
      context - the context
      object - the object to rollback
      returns the Future object
    • schedule

      RunnableScheduledFuture<?> schedule(String actionName, Date date) throws CoreException
      Schedule a microflow action / java action / registered action on a certain date. The execution will be tracked using a System.ScheduledEventInformation instance.
      actionName - the name of a microflow or java action (format "ModuleName.ActionName")
      date - the date and time on which the action should be executed
      the RunnableScheduledFuture object for keeping track of the result
    • schedule

      <R> RunnableScheduledFuture<?> schedule(ICoreAction<R> action, long delay, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Schedule an action on a delay measured in timeUnit from now. The execution will not be tracked using a System.ScheduledEventInformation instance.
      Type Parameters:
      R - result type of the action, which should match the return value of the action
      action - the action to execute
      delay - the delay after which the action should be executed
      timeUnit - time unit in which the delay is specified
      returns RunnableScheduleFuture object for keeping track of the result
    • scheduleAtFixedRate

      <R> void scheduleAtFixedRate(ICoreAction<R> action, Date firstRun, long period, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Schedule a periodic action that run for the first time on the given date/time, and subsequently with the given period; that is executions will commence on firstRun then initialDelay+period, then initialDelay + 2 * period, and so on. The execution will not be tracked using a System.ScheduledEventInformation instance.
      No result will be returned.
      Type Parameters:
      R - result type of the action, which should be Object
      action - the action to execute
      firstRun - the Date/time on which the action will be executed the first time
      period - the period between each start of the execution of the action
      timeUnit - the timeUnit in which the period is specified
    • scheduleAtFixedRate

      <R> void scheduleAtFixedRate(ICoreAction<R> action, long initialDelay, long period, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Schedule a periodic action that runs for the first time after the given initial delay, and subsequently with the given period; that is executions will commence after initialDelay then initialDelay+period, then initialDelay + 2 * period, and so on. No result will be returned. The execution will not be tracked using a System.ScheduledEventInformation instance.
      Type Parameters:
      R - result type of the action, which should be Object
      action - the action to execute
      initialDelay - the delay after which the action will be executed the first time
      period - the period between each start of the execution of the action
      timeUnit - the timeUnit in which the initialDelay and the period is specified
    • scheduleAtFixedRate

      void scheduleAtFixedRate(String actionName, Date firstRun, long period, TimeUnit timeUnit, String name, String description)
      Schedule a periodic action that runs for the first time after the given initial delay (first run), and subsequently with the given period; that is executions will commence after initialDelay then initialDelay+period, then initialDelay + 2 * period, and so on. No result will be returned. The execution will be tracked using a System.ScheduledEventInformation instance.
      actionName - the name of a microflow or java action (format "ModuleName.ActionName")
      firstRun - the date on which the action will be executed the first time
      period - the period between each start of the execution of the action
      timeUnit - the timeUnit in which the initialDelay and the period is specified
      name - the name of the scheduled event
      description - the description of the scheduled event
    • scheduleWithFixedDelay

      <R> void scheduleWithFixedDelay(ICoreAction<R> action, long initialDelay, long delay, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Schedule a periodic action that runs for the first time after the given initial delay, and subsequently with the given delay between the termination of one execution and the commencement of the next. No result will be returned. The execution will not be tracked using a System.ScheduledEventInformation instance.
      Type Parameters:
      R - result type of the action, which should be Object
      action - the action to execute
      initialDelay - the delay after which the action will be executed the first time
      delay - the delay between the end of the execution of the action and the start of the next time the action will be executed.
      timeUnit - the timeUnit in which the initialDelay and the delay is specified
    • storeFileDocumentContent

      void storeFileDocumentContent(IContext context, IMendixObject fileDocument, InputStream inputStream)
      Physically stores a file using the given input stream and commits the file document. The passed input stream will be closed automatically. No security checks will be performed.
      context - the context
      fileDocument - the file document to which the file to store is linked to
      inputStream - the content of the file
    • storeFileDocumentContent

      void storeFileDocumentContent(IContext context, IMendixObject fileDocument, String fileName, InputStream inputStream)
      Physically stores a file using the given input stream and commits the file document. The passed input stream will be closed automatically. User should have write access to "Name" attribute.
      context - the context
      fileDocument - the file document to which the file to store is linked to
      fileName - the original name of the file (will be stored in the Name attribute)
      inputStream - the content of the file
    • storeImageDocumentContent

      void storeImageDocumentContent(IContext context, IMendixObject imageDocument, InputStream inputStream, int thumbnailWidth, int thumbnailHeight)
      Physically stores an image using the given input stream and commits the image document. The passed input stream will be closed automatically. User should have read access to "Name" attribute.
      context - the context
      imageDocument - the image document to which the image to store is linked to
      inputStream - the content of the file
      thumbnailWidth - the width of the thumbnail to create for this image
      thumbnailHeight - the width of the thumbnail to create for this image
    • unregisterProfiler

      void unregisterProfiler()
      Unregisters the current profiler. If no profiler is registered, nothing happens.
    • addRequestHandler

      void addRequestHandler(String path, IRequestHandler requestHandler)
      Add a custom request handler to the Mendix runtime server. This request handler will process MxRuntimeRequests on the given path. Responses should be given by adding information to the MxRuntimeResponse.
      path - the path for which request should be processed
      requestHandler - the custom request handler
    • addWebSocketEndpoint

      void addWebSocketEndpoint(String path, javax.websocket.Endpoint endpoint) throws javax.websocket.DeploymentException
      Registers an instance of Endpoint to handle web socket requests on a path.
      path - the path for which web socket requests should be processed. Must start with '/'
      endpoint - the endpoint to register
    • getProjectId

      UUID getProjectId()
      Returns the project identifier of the project.
      The project identifier of the project
    • getModelVersion

      String getModelVersion()
      Returns the model version of the project.
      The model version of the project