Interface JumpToBuilder

public interface JumpToBuilder
Provides a builder to configure the possible jumps from source activity to target activity. The source activities can be found from the list of activities returned by JumpToOptions.getCurrentActivities() and the target activity can be chosen from the list of activities returned by JumpableWorkflowActivity.getApplicableTargets().
  • Method Details

    • jumpActivityTo

      JumpToBuilder jumpActivityTo(JumpableWorkflowActivity activityToChange, WorkflowActivityDetails target)
      Returns an updated builder with the given jump from source to target activity. This method will not perform any validation; the applyJumpTo() method will validate the configured source-target combinations.

      Note that not all activities specified in the collection of JumpToOptions.getCurrentActivities() have to have a jump target defined.

      activityToChange - the source current activity to jump from
      target - the target activity to jump to
      a new builder that includes the added jump
    • applyJumpTo

      Workflow applyJumpTo()
      Applies the desired jump-to operations to the workflow instance.
      the updated workflow