Interface Workflow

public interface Workflow
Provides an interface for managing workflow instances.
  • Method Details

    • getMendixObject

      IMendixObject getMendixObject()
      Returns the Mendix object for this workflow instance.
      the Mendix object
    • getWorkflowContext

      IMendixObject getWorkflowContext()
      Returns the Mendix object for the context parameter of this workflow instance.
      the context object
    • getWorkflowActivityRecords

      List<? extends WorkflowActivityRecord> getWorkflowActivityRecords()
      Returns the workflow activity records for the activities that have been executed or are executing for this workflow instance.
      the list of workflow activity records
    • setWorkflowContext

      void setWorkflowContext(IMendixObject contextObject)
      Sets the context parameter of this workflow instance to the specified Mendix object.
      contextObject - the context object to set
    • pause

      void pause()
      Pauses this workflow instance.
      MendixRuntimeException - when this workflow cannot be paused in its current state
    • unpause

      void unpause()
      Unpauses this workflow instance.
      MendixRuntimeException - when this workflow is not paused
    • restart

      void restart()
      Restarts this workflow.

      Note that canRestart() must return true for this workflow to be restartable.

      MendixRuntimeException - when this workflow cannot be restarted
    • retry

      void retry()
      Retries this workflow.

      Note that it has to be failed for retry to be applicable.

      MendixRuntimeException - when this workflow cannot be retried
    • abort

      void abort(String reason)
      Aborts this workflow with the specified reason.
      reason - the reason for aborting the workflow
      MendixRuntimeException - when this workflow cannot be aborted
    • markAsResolved

      void markAsResolved()
      Continues this workflow.

      Note that it must be Incompatible and that canContinue() must return true.

      MendixRuntimeException - when this workflow cannot be continued
    • openPage

      void openPage()
      Opens the Admin Page for this workflow instance.
    • lockDefinition

      void lockDefinition(boolean pauseAllWorkflows)
      Locks the definition of this workflow instance.
      pauseAllWorkflows - indicates whether to pause all active workflow instances with the same definition
      UserException - if the workflow definition has already been locked
    • unlockDefinition

      void unlockDefinition(boolean resumeAllPausedWorkflows)
      Unlocks the definition of this workflow instance.
      resumeAllPausedWorkflows - indicates whether to resume all paused workflow instances with the same definition
      UserException - if the workflow definition is not locked
    • canRestart

      boolean canRestart()
      Returns whether this workflow can be restarted.
      true if this workflow is restartable, otherwise return false
    • canContinue

      boolean canContinue()
      Returns whether this workflow can be continued.
      true if this workflow can be continued, otherwise return false
    • canJump

      boolean canJump()
      Returns whether this workflow allows a jump-to option to be applied.
      true if this workflow can jump, otherwise return false
    • state

      WorkflowState state()
      Returns the current state of this workflow instance.
      the state WorkflowState
    • getCurrentActivities

      Collection<? extends WorkflowActivity> getCurrentActivities()
      Returns the current activities for this workflow instance.
      the list of current activities
    • getJumpToOptions

      JumpToOptions getJumpToOptions()
      Returns the list of possible workflow activities the workflow can jump to.

      Sample usage as follows:

       Workflow workflow = Core.workflows().getWorkflow(context, workflowObject);
       JumpToOptions jumpToOptions = workflow.getJumpToOptions();
       JumpableWorkflowActivity sourceActivity = jumpToOptions.getCurrentActivities()
           .filter(a -> a.getDetails().getCaption().equals("MyUserTask1"))
       WorkflowActivityDetails targetActivity = sourceActivity.getApplicableTargets()
           .filter(a -> a.getCaption().equals("MyUserTask2"))
       Workflow updatedWorkflow = jumpToOptions.prepareJumpTo()
           .jumpActivityTo(sourceActivity, targetActivity)
      the interface for jump-to operations
    • getKey

      String getKey()
      Returns the key that uniquely identifies the workflow instance. The value is the same as WorkflowRecord.getWorkflowKey().

      The value cannot and should not be used for retrieving workflows from the database.

      the workflow key