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API client to interact with a model repository


  • RepositoriesClient




  • Commit a temporary working copy by giving the app ID, working copy ID and optionally the branch name, and some options.

    Note: make sure to call model.flushChanges() after making changes to the model and before committing with this method. This makes sure that the Model SDK has been able to send the changes to the online working copy.


    • appId: string

      The app ID (also known as project ID) of the app that the working copy is based on.

    • workingCopyId: string

      The ID of the working copy to commit.

    • Optional targetBranchName: string

      The branch of the model repository to which the changes are committed.

      The name of the default branch is "trunk" for Subversion repositories and "main" for Git repositories. To specify a non-default branch for a Subversion repository, the branch name must begin with the "branches/" prefix.

      Note: This must be the same branch that the working copy was based on, otherwise an error will be thrown. Set options.force to true to override this check.

    • Optional options: ICommitTemporaryWorkingCopyOptions

      The options to use to commit the working copy such as commit ID and message.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Create a temporary working copy by giving the app ID, the branch name, and optionally some options. The working copy will be based on what is in the given branch of the model repository and stored online.


    • appId: string

      The app ID (also known as project ID) of the app that the working copy will be based on.

    • branchName: string

      The branch name to base the working copy on.

      The name of the default branch is "trunk" for Subversion repositories and "main" for Git repositories. To specify a non-default branch for a Subversion repository, the branch name must begin with the "branches/" prefix.

    • Optional options: ICreateTemporaryWorkingCopyOptions

      The options to use to create the working copy such as the commit ID.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The ID of the created temporary working copy.

  • getBranch(appId: string, branchName: string): Promise<IBranch>
  • Gets information about a specific branch of the version control model repository for a Mendix app.


    • appId: string

      The app ID (also known as project ID) of the Mendix app for which the model repository information should be returned.

    • branchName: string

      The name of the branch for which to return information.

      The name of the default branch is "trunk" for Subversion repositories and "main" for Git repositories. To specify a non-default branch for a Subversion repository, the branch name must begin with the "branches/" prefix.

    Returns Promise<IBranch>

    Information about a specific branch of the version control model repository for a Mendix app.

  • Gets information about the commits of a specific branch of the version control model repository for a Mendix app. Commits are returned in reverse chronological order, starting from the head of the branch all the way to the first commit of the model repository. The response is paginated using cursor-based pagination.


    • appId: string

      The app ID (also known as project ID) of the Mendix app for which the model repository information should be returned.

    • branchName: string

      The name of the branch for which to return information.

      The name of the default branch is "trunk" for Subversion repositories and "main" for Git repositories. To specify a non-default branch for a Subversion repository, the branch name must begin with the "branches/" prefix.

    • Optional options: IGetBranchCommitsOptions

      Query parameters.

    Returns Promise<ICommits>

    Information about the commits of a specific branch of the version control model repository for a Mendix app.

  • Gets information about the branches of the version control model repository for a Mendix app. The response is paginated using cursor-based pagination.


    • appId: string

      The app ID (also known as project ID) of the Mendix app for which the model repository information should be returned.

    • Optional options: IGetBranchesOptions

      Query parameters.

    Returns Promise<IBranches>

    Information about the branches of the version control model repository for a Mendix app.

  • Get generic information about the model repository of an app by giving the app ID.


    • appId: string

      The app ID (also known as project ID) of the Mendix app to get the info of.

    Returns Promise<IRepositoryInfo>

    The generic information about the model repository of an app.

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