Indicates that the internal data of this element is being reverted to its previous value, so some validation check could be skipped
Indicates that the internal data of this element is being updated, as a result of data received from the server, so no storage events should be send
used by qualified names cache to determine old name after a rename
The current state of the structure: (new|attached|detached|deleted).
This structure is attached somewhere in the model. This is the "normal" state for an structure.
This structure has been deleted and should no longer be used.
This structure is detached, so that it can be attached somewhere else in the model.
This structure was just constructed and has not been added to the model yet.
In version 10.2.0: introduced
In version 10.2.0: introduced
In version 10.17.0: introduced
In version 10.17.0: introduced
The parent unit of this unit.
In version 9.10.0: added public
In version 9.10.0: added public
In version 9.11.0: added public
In version 9.11.0: added public
In version 9.3.0: introduced
In version 9.3.0: introduced
Whether this unit and all of its children (recursively) can be loaded.
Whether this unit has been completely loaded and does not consist of the unit's interface (which corresponds to the unit being partial).
Whether this unit and all of its children (recursively) are editable.
In version 10.21.0: introduced
In version 10.21.0: introduced
Returns the qualified name of this element, or null if this element is not a part of the model, or if it or one of its namespace containers does not have a valid name.
Unit that owns/contains this thing.
Asserts that the complete element is available, and not just its public part.
Finds the given child among the properties of this structure, returning a handle to detach it later when appropriate based on in which property is was found.
Deletes the given child from any (part) property that contained it.
Detaches the given child from any (part) property that contained it.
Return true if this is an abstractElement that might be referred to by some other element. If true, this element is maintained in the qualifiedNamesCache
Update local-by-name references to this structure.
If the name of a model element changes, this might effect currently broken references-by-name, so let's process those.
Given the type and name of an element, returns the element in this model unit with the specified type and name if there is exactly one matching element, otherwise null.
Sends the change delta in case a simple property has changed.
Sends the delete in case that we were removed from the model.
updateElementsContainer recursively sets the unit to which this elements belong During deserialization this is not needed, but if used in the SDK, we only can set the unit once an element is actually added to the tree (buy pushing / assigning it to some part property)
Update an existing (probably partial) interface with real contents received from the server.
Transforms a IElement interface into a Element class, loading the containing unit if necessary. (Those are technically already the same, but this function makes sure its properties are available.)
Deletes this element from the model.
Given an element id, returns the element in this abstract element with that id, otherwise null.
Transforms a IElement interface into a Element class, loading the containing unit if necessary. (Those are technically already the same, but this function makes sure its properties are available.)
Returns all properties when this structure is loaded, otherwise just the public properties.
Should be called after deserialization / remote updates, to make sure all references are bound to their actual value.
Renders the structure as plain JSON (without observables magic). This is intended for debugging and development convenience. Note that the resulting object is not of the interface type corresponding to this structure.
Traverses this structure by calling the provided visitor function on itself and all the structures contained (as part) by it, in depth-first order, and it returns synchronously after that.
Traverses this structure, returning immediately when visit
returns something other than null
Traverses this structure, only visiting children contained in public properties.
Creates a new ConsumedRestService unit in the SDK and on the server. Expects one argument, the projects.IFolderBase in which this unit is contained.
Generated using TypeDoc
See: relevant section in reference guide
In version 10.7.0: removed experimental In version 10.1.0: introduced