  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class NoExpression

NOTE: This class is experimental and is subject to change in newer Model SDK versions.

In version 7.9.0: introduced












id: string


structureTypeName: string

Static structureTypeName

structureTypeName: string

Static versionInfo






































  • get (): boolean
  • Checks whether all attributes are available ATM

    • if false, a load is required to access these properties.

    Returns boolean





  • allProperties(): AbstractProperty<any, any>[]


  • asLoaded(): this
  • Transforms a IElement interface into a Element class, loading the containing unit if necessary. (Those are technically already the same, but this function makes sure its properties are available.)

    • If invoked without callback, it checks whether the properties are available or it will throw;
    • If invoked with callback, it will load the data from the server if needed, and then invoke the callback.

    Returns this




  • delete(): void


  • detach(): this
  • Detaches this element from the model, so that it can be attached in a different place.

    Returns this


Protected getContainerAs

  • getContainerAs<T>(containerType: any): T


  • load(callback: function, forceRefresh?: undefined | false | true): void
  • load(forceRefresh?: undefined | false | true): Promise<this>
  • Transforms a IElement interface into a Element class, loading the containing unit if necessary. (Those are technically already the same, but this function makes sure its properties are available.)

    • If invoked without callback, it checks whether the properties are available or it will throw;
    • If invoked with callback, it will load the data from the server if needed, and then invoke the callback.


    • callback: function
        • (elem: this): void
        • Parameters

          • elem: this

          Returns void

    • Optional forceRefresh: undefined | false | true

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optional forceRefresh: undefined | false | true

    Returns Promise<this>


  • loadedProperties(): AbstractProperty<any, any>[]


  • publicProperties(): AbstractProperty<any, any>[]



  • traverse(visit: function): void


  • traverseFind<T>(visit: function): T | null


  • traversePublicParts(visit: function): void

Static create

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. Expects one argument: the IModel object the instance will "live on". After creation, assign or add this instance to a property that accepts this kind of objects.


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInAppServiceCallParameterMappingUnderArgumentModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'argumentModel' property of the parent microflows.AppServiceCallParameterMapping element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInBasicCodeActionParameterValueUnderArgumentModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'argumentModel' property of the parent microflows.BasicCodeActionParameterValue element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.21.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInBasicJavaActionParameterValueUnderArgumentModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'argumentModel' property of the parent microflows.BasicJavaActionParameterValue element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 to 7.20.0


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInBinaryExpressionUnderLeft

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'left' property of the parent BinaryExpression element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInBinaryExpressionUnderRight

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'right' property of the parent BinaryExpression element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInBinaryRequestHandlingUnderExpressionModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'expressionModel' property of the parent microflows.BinaryRequestHandling element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInChangeListActionUnderValueModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'valueModel' property of the parent microflows.ChangeListAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInChangeVariableActionUnderValueModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'valueModel' property of the parent microflows.ChangeVariableAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInConditionalSettingsUnderExpressionModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'expressionModel' property of the parent pages.ConditionalSettings element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInConsumedODataServiceUnderTimeoutModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'timeoutModel' property of the parent rest.ConsumedODataService element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 8.5.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInCreateVariableActionUnderInitialValueModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'initialValueModel' property of the parent microflows.CreateVariableAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInCustomRangeUnderLimitExpressionModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'limitExpressionModel' property of the parent microflows.CustomRange element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInCustomRangeUnderOffsetExpressionModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'offsetExpressionModel' property of the parent microflows.CustomRange element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInDocumentTemplateParameterMappingUnderArgumentModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'argumentModel' property of the parent microflows.DocumentTemplateParameterMapping element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInEndEventUnderReturnValueModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'returnValueModel' property of the parent microflows.EndEvent element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInExpressionSplitConditionUnderExpressionModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'expressionModel' property of the parent microflows.ExpressionSplitCondition element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInFormDataPartUnderValueModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'valueModel' property of the parent microflows.FormDataPart element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 8.0.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInFunctionCallExpressionUnderArguments

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'arguments' property of the parent FunctionCallExpression element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInGenerateDocumentActionUnderMarginBottomInInchModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'marginBottomInInchModel' property of the parent microflows.GenerateDocumentAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInGenerateDocumentActionUnderMarginLeftInInchModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'marginLeftInInchModel' property of the parent microflows.GenerateDocumentAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInGenerateDocumentActionUnderMarginRightInInchModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'marginRightInInchModel' property of the parent microflows.GenerateDocumentAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInGenerateDocumentActionUnderMarginTopInInchModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'marginTopInInchModel' property of the parent microflows.GenerateDocumentAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInHttpConfigurationUnderCustomLocationModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'customLocationModel' property of the parent microflows.HttpConfiguration element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInHttpConfigurationUnderPassword

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'password' property of the parent microflows.HttpConfiguration element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInHttpConfigurationUnderUsername

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'username' property of the parent microflows.HttpConfiguration element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInHttpHeaderEntryUnderValueModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'valueModel' property of the parent microflows.HttpHeaderEntry element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInIfExpressionUnderCondition

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'condition' property of the parent IfExpression element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInIfExpressionUnderIfFalse

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'ifFalse' property of the parent IfExpression element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInIfExpressionUnderIfTrue

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'ifTrue' property of the parent IfExpression element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInInspectAttributeUnderExpressionModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'expressionModel' property of the parent microflows.InspectAttribute element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInLogMessageActionUnderNodeModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'nodeModel' property of the parent microflows.LogMessageAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInMemberChangeUnderValueModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'valueModel' property of the parent microflows.MemberChange element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInMicroflowCallParameterMappingUnderArgumentModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'argumentModel' property of the parent microflows.MicroflowCallParameterMapping element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInNanoflowCallParameterMappingUnderArgumentModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'argumentModel' property of the parent microflows.NanoflowCallParameterMapping element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 8.0.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInParenthesisExpressionUnderExpression

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'expression' property of the parent ParenthesisExpression element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInProxyConfigurationUnderHostExpressionModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'hostExpressionModel' property of the parent microflows.ProxyConfiguration element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.15.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInProxyConfigurationUnderPasswordExpressionModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'passwordExpressionModel' property of the parent microflows.ProxyConfiguration element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.15.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInProxyConfigurationUnderPortExpressionModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'portExpressionModel' property of the parent microflows.ProxyConfiguration element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.15.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInProxyConfigurationUnderUseConfigurationExpressionModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'useConfigurationExpressionModel' property of the parent microflows.ProxyConfiguration element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.15.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInProxyConfigurationUnderUsernameExpressionModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'usernameExpressionModel' property of the parent microflows.ProxyConfiguration element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.15.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInRestCallActionUnderTimeOutModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'timeOutModel' property of the parent microflows.RestCallAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.15.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInRuleCallParameterMappingUnderArgumentModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'argumentModel' property of the parent microflows.RuleCallParameterMapping element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInTemplateArgumentUnderExpressionModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'expressionModel' property of the parent microflows.TemplateArgument element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInUnaryExpressionUnderExpression

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'expression' property of the parent UnaryExpression element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInWebServiceCallActionUnderTimeOutModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'timeOutModel' property of the parent microflows.WebServiceCallAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.15.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInWebServiceOperationParameterMappingUnderArgumentModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'argumentModel' property of the parent microflows.WebServiceOperationParameterMapping element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

Static createInWidgetValidationUnderExpressionModel

  • Creates and returns a new NoExpression instance in the SDK and on the server. The new NoExpression will be automatically stored in the 'expressionModel' property of the parent pages.WidgetValidation element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns NoExpression

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