  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

In version 7.9.0: introduced










_container: null | IContainer
_declaredAsNamespace: boolean = false
_isDoingDelete: boolean = false
_isPartial: boolean
_isReverting: boolean = false

Indicates that the internal data of this element is being reverted to its previous value, so some validation check could be skipped

_isUpdating: boolean = true

Indicates that the internal data of this element is being updated, as a result of data received from the server, so no storage events should be send

_registeredQualifiedName: null | string = null

used by qualified names cache to determine old name after a rename

_state: StructureState = "attached"

The current state of the structure: (new|attached|detached|deleted).

id: string
structureTypeName: string
structureTypeName: string = "DataTypes$EnumerationType"
versionInfo: StructureVersionInfo = ...


  • get _isAttached(): boolean
  • This structure is attached somewhere in the model. This is the "normal" state for an structure.


    Returns boolean

  • get _isDeleted(): boolean
  • This structure has been deleted and should no longer be used.


    Returns boolean

  • get _isDetached(): boolean
  • This structure is detached, so that it can be attached somewhere else in the model.


    Returns boolean

  • get _isNew(): boolean
  • This structure was just constructed and has not been added to the model yet.


    Returns boolean

  • get container(): TContainer
  • get enumerationQualifiedName(): string
  • get isLoaded(): boolean
  • Checks whether all attributes are available ATM

    • if false, a load is required to access these properties.

    Returns boolean

  • get model(): TModel


  • Asserts that the complete element is available, and not just its public part.



    Returns void

  • Finds the given child among the properties of this structure, returning a handle to detach it later when appropriate based on in which property is was found.



    Returns null | IChildHandle

  • _deleteInternal(): void
  • _dispose(): void
  • This model element is no longer part of the model, and can be cleaned up.


    Returns void

  • _getQualifiedName(): null | string
  • _initializeDefaultProperties(): void
  • _initializeNewInstance(): void
  • _isByNameReferrable(): boolean
  • Return true if this is an abstractElement that might be referred to by some other element. If true, this element is maintained in the qualifiedNamesCache


    Returns boolean

  • _markCurrentValuesAsDefaults(): void
  • _processLocalNameChange(previousName: null | string): void
  • Update local-by-name references to this structure.



    • previousName: null | string

    Returns void

  • _processNameChange(): void
  • If the name of a model element changes, this might effect currently broken references-by-name, so let's process those.


    Returns void

  • _registerProperty(prop: AbstractProperty<any, any>, declaredOn: IStructureClass): void
  • _scheduleDeltaAfterCreate(delta: Delta): void
  • _sendChangeDelta(propertyName: string, newValue: any, changeType?: "CHANGE" | "ADD" | "REMOVE", index?: number): void
  • Sends the change delta in case a simple property has changed.



    • propertyName: string
    • newValue: any
    • changeType: "CHANGE" | "ADD" | "REMOVE" = "CHANGE"
    • index: number = -1

    Returns void

  • Sends the appropriate create delta to the server, and also sends all pending deltas, after this element has been assigned to some parent.



    Returns void

  • _sendDeleteDelta(): void
  • Sends the delete in case that we were removed from the model.


    Returns void

  • _sendDetachDelta(): void
  • Transforms a IElement interface into a Element class, loading the containing unit if necessary. (Those are technically already the same, but this function makes sure its properties are available.)

    • If invoked without callback, it checks whether the properties are available or it will throw;
    • If invoked with callback, it will load the data from the server if needed, and then invoke the callback.

    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • delete(): void
  • Deletes this element from the model.

    Returns void

  • getContainerAs<T>(containerType: any): T
  • Transforms a IElement interface into a Element class, loading the containing unit if necessary. (Those are technically already the same, but this function makes sure its properties are available.)

    • If invoked without callback, it checks whether the properties are available or it will throw;
    • If invoked with callback, it will load the data from the server if needed, and then invoke the callback.


    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optional forceRefresh: boolean

    Returns Promise<datatypes.EnumerationType>

  • resolveByIdReferences(): void
  • toJSON(): IStructureJSON
  • Renders the structure as plain JSON (without observables magic). This is intended for debugging and development convenience. Note that the resulting object is not of the interface type corresponding to this structure.

    Returns IStructureJSON

  • traverse(visit: (structure: IStructure) => void): void
  • Traverses this structure by calling the provided visitor function on itself and all the structures contained (as part) by it, in depth-first order, and it returns synchronously after that.


    Returns void

  • traverseFind<T>(visit: (structure: IStructure) => T): null | T
  • traversePublicParts(visit: (structure: IStructure) => void): void
  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. Expects one argument: the IModel object the instance will "live on". After creation, assign or add this instance to a property that accepts this kind of objects.


    • model: IModel

    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'reduceReturnDataType' property of the parent microflows.AggregateListAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 10.0.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'parameterType' property of the parent appservices.AppServiceActionParameter element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 to 9.0.1


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'actionReturnType' property of the parent appservices.AppServiceAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 to 9.0.1


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'variableDataType' property of the parent microflows.CallExternalAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 10.2.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'type' property of the parent constants.Constant element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'variableType' property of the parent microflows.CreateVariableAction element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'columnType' property of the parent datasets.DataSetColumn element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'parameterType' property of the parent datasets.DataSetParameter element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'parameterType' property of the parent documenttemplates.DocumentTemplateParameter element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'parameterType' property of the parent microflows.ExternalActionParameterMapping element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 10.2.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'parameterType' property of the parent importmappings.ImportMapping element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.16.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'variableType' property of the parent pages.LocalVariable element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 10.17.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'parameterType' property of the parent microflows.MLModelCallParameterMapping element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 9.10.0 to 9.17.0


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'microflowReturnType' property of the parent microflows.MicroflowBase element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'parameterType' property of the parent microflows.MicroflowParameterBase element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'variableType' property of the parent microflows.MicroflowParameterObject element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'dataType' property of the parent rest.OperationParameter element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 10.1.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'parameterType' property of the parent pages.PageParameter element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 9.4.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'dataType' property of the parent odatapublish.PublishedMicroflowParameter element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 10.4.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'returnType' property of the parent odatapublish.PublishedMicroflow element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 10.4.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'dataType' property of the parent rest.PublishedODataMicroflowParameter element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 10.2.0 to 10.3.0


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'type' property of the parent rest.PublishedODataMicroflowParameter element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 10.0.0 to 10.1.0


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'returnType' property of the parent rest.PublishedODataMicroflow element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 10.2.0 to 10.3.0


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'operationReturnType' property of the parent webservices.PublishedOperation element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'parameterType' property of the parent webservices.PublishedParameter element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'dataType' property of the parent databaseconnector.QueryParameter element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 9.22.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'type' property of the parent rest.RestOperationParameter element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.17.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'dataType' property of the parent rest.RestParameter element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 10.17.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'variableType' property of the parent microflows.ResultHandling element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'parameterType' property of the parent pages.SnippetParameter element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 9.21.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

  • Creates and returns a new EnumerationType instance in the SDK and on the server. The new EnumerationType will be automatically stored in the 'type' property of the parent mappings.ValueMappingElement element passed as argument.

    Warning! Can only be used on models with the following Mendix meta model versions: 7.9.0 and higher


    Returns datatypes.EnumerationType

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