public interface ICore
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<?>> |
addListener(com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.ActionListener<T> al)
Registers the given ActionListener to the ActionManager.
void |
addUserAction(java.lang.Class<? extends UserAction<?>> userActionClass)
Add the action specified by the given action name to action registry.
boolean |
authenticate(IContext context,
IUser user,
java.lang.String password)
Authenticate the given user with the given password.
void |
buildException(java.lang.StringBuilder trace,
java.lang.Throwable e) |
boolean |
change(IContext context,
IMendixObject object,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> changes)
Changes the given object in the state store (synchronously).
java.util.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Boolean> |
changeAsync(IContext context,
IMendixObject obj,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> changes)
Changes the object (asynchronously).
IMendixObject |
commit(IContext context,
IMendixObject object)
Commits the given object.
IMendixObject |
commit(IContext context,
IMendixObject object,
int queryTimeout)
Commits the given object.
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
commit(IContext context,
java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects)
Commits the given objects.
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
commit(IContext context,
java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects,
int queryTimeout) |
java.util.List<java.util.concurrent.Future<java.util.List<IMendixObject>>> |
commitAsync(IContext context,
java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects)
Commits the given object (asynchronously).
IMendixObject |
commitWithoutEvents(IContext context,
IMendixObject object)
Commits the given object without events.
IMendixObject |
commitWithoutEvents(IContext context,
IMendixObject object,
int queryTimeout)
Commits the given object without events.
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
commitWithoutEvents(IContext context,
java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects)
Commits the given objects without events.
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
commitWithoutEvents(IContext context,
java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects,
int queryTimeout)
Commit the given objects without events.
IDataType |
createDataType(java.lang.String type)
Creates a DataType based on a type.
Possible types: - Boolean - Integer - Long - Float - String - Datetime - {code#id} (enumeration key) - ModuleName.ObjectName (IMendixObject) - [ModuleName.ObjectName] (List |
IDataType |
createDataType(java.lang.String objectType,
java.lang.String attributeName)
Creates a DataType based on an object type and a attribute name
IMendixIdentifier |
createMendixIdentifier(long guid)
Creates a new IMendixIdentifier for the given guid.
IMendixIdentifier |
createMendixIdentifier(java.lang.String guid)
Creates a IMendixIdentifier for the given guid.
IMetaAssociationSchema |
createMetaAssociationSchema(java.lang.String metaAssociationName,
IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema)
Create a new IMetaAssociationSchema to specify which associations must be retrieved.
IOQLTextGetRequest |
Create a new IOQLTextGetRequest.
IRetrievalSchema |
Create a new IRetrievalSchema.
IContext |
Returns the context of the system session (this is always a sudo context).
IXPathTextGetRequest |
Create a new IXPathTextGetRequest.
boolean |
delete(IContext context,
IMendixObject... objects)
Deletes the given objects from the database and server state store (synchronously).
boolean |
delete(IContext context,
int queryTimeout,
IMendixObject... objects)
Deletes the given objects from the database and server state store (synchronously).
boolean |
delete(IContext context,
java.util.List<IMendixObject> objectList)
Deletes the given objects from the database and server state store (synchronously).
java.util.List<java.util.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Boolean>> |
deleteAsync(IContext context,
IMendixObject object,
boolean useDeleteBehavior)
Deletes the given object from the database and server state store (asynchronously).
java.util.List<java.util.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Boolean>> |
deleteAsync(IContext context,
java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects,
boolean useDeleteBehavior)
Deletes the given object from the database and server state store (asynchronously).
boolean |
deleteWithoutEvents(IContext context,
java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects,
boolean useDeleteBehavior)
Deletes the given objects from the database and server state store (synchronously) without events This action is executed in a transaction.
java.lang.Object |
evaluateExpression(IContext context,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> variables,
java.lang.String expression)
Evaluate the given (microflow)expression.
<R> R |
execute(IContext context,
java.lang.String actionName,
boolean executeInTransaction,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params)
Execute the specified action (synchronously).
<R> R |
execute(IContext context,
java.lang.String actionName,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params)
Execute the specified action (synchronously).
<R> R |
execute(IContext context,
java.lang.String actionName,
java.lang.Object... params) |
<T extends com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R>,R> |
execute(T action)
Execute an action asynchronously, result is given and/or exceptions are raised when calling Future.get().
<R> java.util.concurrent.Future<R> |
executeAsync(IContext context,
java.lang.String actionName,
long asyncId,
boolean executeInTransaction,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params)
Execute the specified microflow (asynchronously).
<R> java.util.concurrent.Future<R> |
executeAsync(IContext context,
java.lang.String actionName,
long asyncId,
java.lang.Object... params)
Execute the specified action (asynchronously)
Result is given and/or exceptions are raised when calling Future.get().
<R> java.util.concurrent.Future<R> |
executeAsync(IContext context,
java.lang.String actionName,
java.lang.Object... params)
Execute the specified action (asynchronously)
Result is given and/or exceptions are raised when calling Future.get().
<T extends ICoreAction<R>,R> |
executeSync(T action)
Execute an action synchronously.
<T extends com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R>,R> |
executeVoid(T action)
Execute the specified action (asynchronously).
int |
Returns the current action pool queue size.
int |
Returns the current number of active actions.
ISession |
getActiveSession(java.lang.String userName) |
java.util.Collection<? extends ISession> |
getActiveSessions() |
java.lang.Iterable<IMendixObject> |
Get all IMendixObject types.
long |
Returns the number of completed actions since server startup.
long |
getConcurrentUserCount(boolean anonymous)
The current number of concurrent users.
Configuration |
getConfiguration() |
int |
Returns the current action pool size.
java.lang.String |
getDatabaseChildColumnName(IMetaAssociation iMetaAssociation) |
java.lang.String |
getDatabaseColumnName(IMetaPrimitive iMetaPrimitive) |
java.lang.String |
getDatabaseParentColumnName(IMetaAssociation iMetaAssociation) |
java.lang.String |
getDatabaseTableName(IMetaAssociation iMetaAssociation) |
java.lang.String |
getDatabaseTableName(IMetaObject iMetaObject) |
ILanguage |
Returns the default language of the loaded project.
| |
getFileDocumentContent(IContext context,
IMendixObject fileDocument)
Returns contents of a file document as an input stream.
| |
getImage(IContext context,
IMendixObject imageDocument,
boolean retrieveThumbnail)
Retrieve contents of the given image document.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IDataType> |
getInputParameters(java.lang.String actionName)
Returns all input parameter data types the specified action by name.
java.lang.String |
getInternationalizedString(IContext context,
java.lang.String key,
java.lang.Object... args)
Returns the translated string for a certain key and context.
java.lang.String |
getInternationalizedString(java.lang.String languageCode,
java.lang.String key,
java.lang.Object... args)
Returns the translated string for a certain key and language code.
int |
Returns the largest action pool size.
java.util.Locale |
getLocale(IContext context)
Retrieve locale using the given context.
java.util.Locale |
getLocale(java.lang.String languageCode)
Retrieve locale using the given language code (e.g.
com.mendix.logging.ILogNode |
getLogger(java.lang.String name) |
int |
Returns the maximum number of concurrent users since the server was started.
IMetaAssociation |
getMetaAssociation(java.lang.String association)
Get the IMetaAssociation corresponding to the given association name.
java.lang.Iterable<IMetaAssociation> |
Get all IMetaAssociations.
IMetaObject |
getMetaObject(java.lang.String metaObjectName)
Get the IMetaObject corresponding to the given meta object name.
java.lang.Iterable<IMetaObject> |
Get all IMetaObjects.
IMetaPrimitive |
getMetaPrimitive(java.lang.String qualifiedAttributeName)
Get the IMetaPrimtive based on a qualified attribute name (e.g.
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> |
Returns the names of all modeled microflows.
long |
getNamedUserCount() |
long |
Returns current number of concurrent sessions.
IProfiler |
getProfiler() |
IDataType |
getReturnType(java.lang.String actionName)
Returns the return type of the specified action.
int |
Returns the number of actions currently scheduled for future execution.
java.util.Date |
Returns the startup date time of the Mendix Business Server.
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
getSubtypesOf(java.lang.String objectType)
Get all subtypes for an object type (including subtypes of subtypes, etc.).
com.mendix.core.session.User |
getUser(IContext context,
java.lang.String userName)
Returns a user using the given user name.
java.lang.String |
Returns the id of this server instance.
ISession |
Initialize a new session for a guest user
ISession |
initializeSession(IUser user,
java.lang.String currentSessionId)
Initialize a new session for the given user.
IMendixObject |
instantiate(IContext context,
java.lang.String objectType)
Creates a new IMendixObject with the given object type (synchronously).
java.util.concurrent.Future<IMendixObject> |
instantiateAsync(IContext context,
java.lang.String objectType)
Creates a new IMendixObject with the given object type (asynchronously).
boolean |
isInDevelopment() |
boolean |
isSubClassOf(IMetaObject superObject,
IMetaObject type)
Checks whether a type is a subclass of or equal to a potential super class.
boolean |
isSubClassOf(java.lang.String superClass,
short typeHash)
Checks whether a type is a subclass of or equal to a potential super class.
boolean |
isSubClassOf(java.lang.String superClass,
java.lang.String type)
Checks whether a type is a subclass of or equal to a potential super class.
ISession |
login(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends java.lang.Object> params)
Generic login method (can be used in modules in combination with LoginAction replacement).
ISession |
login(java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String password)
Login user with the given user name and password.
ISession |
login(java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String password,
com.mendix.m2ee.api.IMxRuntimeRequest request) |
ISession |
login(java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String password,
java.lang.String currentSessionId)
Login user with the given parameters.
void |
logout(ISession session)
Logout the given session.
void |
registerLogSubscriber(com.mendix.logging.LogSubscriber subscriber) |
void |
registerProfiler(IProfiler profiler) |
boolean |
removeScheduledFuture(java.util.concurrent.RunnableScheduledFuture<?> scheduledFuture)
Remove scheduled future.
<R> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture<?> |
reschedule(java.util.concurrent.RunnableScheduledFuture<R> scheduledFuture,
com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R> action,
long newDelay,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
Reschedule an action with a new delay.
java.lang.Object |
resolveTokens(IContext context,
java.lang.String text)
Resolve tokens (Mendix system variables) in the given text.
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveByIdWithSchema(IContext context,
IMendixIdentifier id,
IRetrievalSchema schema) |
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveByPath(IContext context,
IMendixObject mxObject,
java.lang.String path)
Retrieves objects using the given object and path.
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveByPath(IContext context,
IMendixObject mxObject,
java.lang.String path,
boolean isSelfAssociationChild)
Retrieves objects using the given object and path.
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveByPath(IContext context,
IMendixObject mxObject,
java.lang.String path,
java.lang.String entity,
boolean isSelfAssociationChild)
Retrieves objects using the given object and path.
IMendixObject |
retrieveId(IContext context,
IMendixIdentifier id)
Retrieves object with the given id (synchronously).
java.util.concurrent.Future<IMendixObject> |
retrieveIdAsync(IContext context,
IMendixIdentifier id)
Retrieves object with the given id (asynchronously).
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveIdList(IContext context,
java.util.List<IMendixIdentifier> ids)
Retrieves objects with the given ids (synchronously).
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveIdList(IContext context,
java.util.List<IMendixIdentifier> ids,
int amount,
int offset,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort)
Retrieves objects with the given ids (synchronously).
java.util.concurrent.Future<java.util.List<IMendixObject>> |
retrieveIdListAsync(IContext context,
java.util.List<IMendixIdentifier> ids)
Retrieves objects with the given ids (asynchronously).
IDataTable |
retrieveOQLDataTable(IContext context,
IGetRequest request)
Retrieve raw data (IDataTable) using an IGetRequest object (synchronously).
IDataTable |
retrieveOQLDataTable(IContext context,
java.lang.String oqlQuery)
Retrieve raw data (IDataTable) using an IGetRequest object (synchronously).
IDataTable |
retrieveOQLDataTable(IContext context,
java.lang.String oqlQuery,
int amount,
int offset)
Retrieve raw data (IDataTable) using an OQL query (asynchronously).
java.util.concurrent.Future<IDataTable> |
retrieveOQLDataTableAsync(IContext context,
IGetRequest request)
Retrieve raw data (IDataTable) using an IGetRequest object (asynchronously).
java.util.concurrent.Future<IDataTable> |
retrieveOQLDataTableAsync(IContext context,
java.lang.String oqlQuery)
Retrieve raw data (IDataTable) using an OQL query (asynchronously).
java.util.concurrent.Future<IDataTable> |
retrieveOQLDataTableAsync(IContext context,
java.lang.String oqlQuery,
int amount,
int offset)
Retrieve raw data (IDataTable) using an OQL query (asynchronously).
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveXPathQuery(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery)
Retrieves object list based on the given XPath query (synchronously).
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveXPathQuery(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery,
int amount,
int offset,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort)
Retrieves object list based on the given XPath query (synchronously).
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveXPathQuery(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery,
int amount,
int offset,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort,
int depth)
Retrieves object list based on the given XPath query (synchronously).
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveXPathQuery(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery,
int amount,
int offset,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort,
int depth,
int timeout) |
java.lang.Long |
retrieveXPathQueryAggregate(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery)
Retrieves long aggregate value based on the given query (root element of the query should be an aggregate function) (synchronously).
java.util.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Long> |
retrieveXPathQueryAggregateAsync(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery)
Retrieves long aggregate value based on the given query (root element of the query should be an aggregate function) (asynchronously).
java.util.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Double> |
retrieveXPathQueryAggregateAsyncDouble(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery)
Retrieves long value based on the given query (query should have an aggregate function as root element)
java.math.BigDecimal |
retrieveXPathQueryAggregateDecimal(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery) |
java.lang.Double |
retrieveXPathQueryAggregateDouble(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery)
Retrieves double aggregate value based on the given query (root element of the query should be an aggregate function) (synchronously).
java.lang.Long |
retrieveXPathQueryAggregateSchema(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery,
IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema)
Retrieves long aggregate value based on the given query and schema (root element of the query should be an aggregate function) (asynchronously).
java.lang.Long |
retrieveXPathQueryAggregateSchema(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery,
IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema,
boolean disableSecurity)
Retrieves long aggregate value based on the given query and schema (root element of the query should be an aggregate function) (asynchronously).
java.util.concurrent.Future<java.util.List<IMendixObject>> |
retrieveXPathQueryAsync(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery,
int amount,
int offset,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort,
int depth)
Retrieves object list based on the given XPath query (asynchronously).
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveXPathQueryEscaped(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathFormat,
int amount,
int offset,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort,
int depth,
java.lang.String... params)
Retrieves object list based on the given XPath query (synchronously).
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveXPathQueryEscaped(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathFormat,
java.lang.String... params)
Retrieves object list based on the given XPath query (synchronously).
IDataTable |
retrieveXPathQueryRaw(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery,
int amount,
int offset,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort,
int depth)
Retrieves raw data (IDataTables) based on the given XPath query (synchronously).
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveXPathSchema(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery,
IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema,
boolean shouldRetrieveCount,
boolean disableSecurity)
Retrieves objects based on the XPath query and given schema (synchronously).
java.util.List<IMendixObject> |
retrieveXPathSchemaEscaped(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathFormat,
IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema,
boolean shouldRetrieveCount,
boolean disableSecurity,
java.lang.String... params)
Retrieves object list based on the given XPath query (synchronously).
IDataTable |
retrieveXPathSchemaRaw(IContext context,
java.lang.String xpathQuery,
boolean shouldRetrieveCount,
IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema)
Retrieves raw data (IDataTables) based on the XPath query and given schema (synchronously).
IMendixObject |
rollback(IContext context,
IMendixObject object)
Rollback changes of the object with the given id (synchronously).
java.util.concurrent.Future<IMendixObject> |
rollbackAsync(IContext context,
IMendixObject object)
Rollback changes of the object with the given id (asynchronously).
<R> java.util.concurrent.RunnableScheduledFuture<?> |
schedule(com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R> action,
long delay,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
Schedule an action on a certain delay from now.
<R> java.util.concurrent.RunnableScheduledFuture<?> |
schedule(java.lang.String actionName,
java.util.Date date)
Schedule an action on a certain date.
<R> void |
scheduleAtFixedRate(com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R> action,
java.util.Date firstRun,
long period,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
Schedule a periodic action that run for the first time on the given date/time, and subsequently with the given period; that is executions will commence on firstRun then initialDelay+period,
then initialDelay + 2 * period, and so on.
No result will be returned. |
<R> void |
scheduleAtFixedRate(com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R> action,
long initialDelay,
long period,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
Schedule a periodic action that runs for the first time after the given initial delay, and subsequently with the given period; that is executions will commence after initialDelay then
initialDelay+period, then initialDelay + 2 * period, and so on.
<R> void |
scheduleAtFixedRate(java.lang.String actionName,
java.util.Date firstRun,
long period,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description)
Schedule a periodic action that runs for the first time after the given initial delay (first run), and subsequently with the given period; that is executions will commence after initialDelay
then initialDelay+period, then initialDelay + 2 * period, and so on.
<R> void |
scheduleWithFixedDelay(com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R> action,
long initialDelay,
long delay,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
Schedule a periodic action that runs for the first time after the given initial delay, and subsequently with the given delay between the termination of one execution and the commencement of the
void |
storeFileDocumentContent(IContext context,
IMendixObject fileDocument, inputStream) |
void |
storeFileDocumentContent(IContext context,
IMendixObject fileDocument,
java.lang.String fileName, inputStream)
Physically stores a file using the given input stream and commits the file document.
void |
storeImageDocumentContent(IContext context,
IMendixObject imageDocument, inputStream,
int thumbnailWidth,
int thumbnailHeight)
Physically stores an image using the given input stream and commits the image document.
void |
unregisterProfiler() |
<T extends com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<?>> void addListener(com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.ActionListener<T> al)
- the ActionListener to add.void addUserAction(java.lang.Class<? extends UserAction<?>> userActionClass)
for this action.userActionClass
- the action (e.g. com.mendix.action.MyAction).boolean authenticate(IContext context, IUser user, java.lang.String password) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- user
- the user.password
- the
void buildException(java.lang.StringBuilder trace, java.lang.Throwable e)
boolean change(IContext context, IMendixObject object, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> changes) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.object
- the object to change.changes
- contains changes by member name (e.g. <"Name", "User1">).com.mendix.core.CoreException
java.util.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Boolean> changeAsync(IContext context, IMendixObject obj, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> changes)
- the context.obj
- the MendixObject to changechanges
- contains changes by member name (e.g. <"Name", "User1">).IMendixObject commit(IContext context, IMendixObject object) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.object
- the IMendixObject to commit.CoreRuntimeException
- if commit failscom.mendix.core.CoreException
java.util.List<IMendixObject> commit(IContext context, java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects)
- the context.objects
- the objects to commit.CoreRuntimeException
- if commit failsIMendixObject commit(IContext context, IMendixObject object, int queryTimeout)
- the context.object
- the IMendixObject to commit.queryTimeout
- the timeout for queries related to this commit.CoreRuntimeException
- if commit failsjava.util.List<java.util.concurrent.Future<java.util.List<IMendixObject>>> commitAsync(IContext context, java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects)
- the contextobjects
- the instances of IMendixObject to<IMendixObject> commit(IContext context, java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects, int queryTimeout)
IMendixObject commitWithoutEvents(IContext context, IMendixObject object)
Commits the given object without events. This will store the object in the database and remove it from the server cache.
This action is executed in a transaction.
Validations except unique validation are not executed. It is possible to save an entity which would not pass validations using this method.
- the context.object
- the IMendixObject to commit.CoreRuntimeException
- if commit failsIMendixObject commitWithoutEvents(IContext context, IMendixObject object, int queryTimeout)
Commits the given object without events. This will store the object in the database and remove it from the server cache.
This action is executed in a transaction.
Validations except unique validation are not executed. It is possible to save an entity which would not pass validations using this method.
- the context.object
- the IMendixObject to commit.queryTimeout
- the timeout for queries related to this commit.CoreRuntimeException
- if commit failsjava.util.List<IMendixObject> commitWithoutEvents(IContext context, java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects)
Commits the given objects without events. This will store the objects in the database and remove it from the server cache.
This action is executed in a transaction.
Validations except unique validation are not executed. It is possible to save entities which would not pass validations using this method.
- the context.objects
- the objects to commit.CoreRuntimeException
- if commit failsjava.util.List<IMendixObject> commitWithoutEvents(IContext context, java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects, int queryTimeout)
- the context.objects
- the objects to commit.queryTimeout
- the query timeout.IDataType createDataType(java.lang.String type)
- the type to base the IDataType on.IDataType createDataType(java.lang.String objectType, java.lang.String attributeName)
- the object type (format: "ModuleName.EntityName").attributeName
- the attribute to create the IDataType for (should be a member of above object type)IMendixIdentifier createMendixIdentifier(long guid)
- the guid.IMendixIdentifier createMendixIdentifier(java.lang.String guid)
- the guid.IMetaAssociationSchema createMetaAssociationSchema(java.lang.String metaAssociationName, IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema)
- the name of the meta association of this schemaretrievalSchema
- the retrieval schema of the associated meta objectIOQLTextGetRequest createOQLTextGetRequest()
IRetrievalSchema createRetrievalSchema()
IContext createSystemContext()
IXPathTextGetRequest createXPathTextGetRequest()
boolean delete(IContext context, IMendixObject... objects)
- the context.objects
- the objects to delete.boolean delete(IContext context, int queryTimeout, IMendixObject... objects)
- the context.objects
- the objects to delete.queryTimeout
- the timeout for queries related to this delete.boolean delete(IContext context, java.util.List<IMendixObject> objectList)
- the context.objectList
- the objects to<java.util.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Boolean>> deleteAsync(IContext context, IMendixObject object, boolean useDeleteBehavior)
- the context.object
- the object to delete.useDeleteBehavior
- whether to use delete<java.util.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Boolean>> deleteAsync(IContext context, java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects, boolean useDeleteBehavior)
- the context.objects
- the objects to delete.useDeleteBehavior
- whether to use delete behavior.boolean deleteWithoutEvents(IContext context, java.util.List<IMendixObject> objects, boolean useDeleteBehavior)
- the context.objects
- the objects to delete.useDeleteBehavior
- whether to use delete evaluateExpression(IContext context, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> variables, java.lang.String expression)
- the context.variables
- name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values.expression
- the expression<R> R execute(IContext context, java.lang.String actionName, boolean executeInTransaction, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context for this action.actionName
- the name of a microflow or java action (format "ModuleName.ActionName").executeInTransaction
- defines whether the action should be execute in a transaction (enables rolling back changes when exceptions are raised).params
- action parameters by
<R> R execute(IContext context, java.lang.String actionName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context for this action.actionName
- the name of a microflow or java action (format "ModuleName.ActionName").params
- action parameters by
<R> R execute(IContext context, java.lang.String actionName, java.lang.Object... params) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
<T extends com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R>,R> java.util.concurrent.Future<R> execute(T action)
- action type, subclass of CoreAction.R
- result type of the action, can be any object.action
- the action to execute.<R> java.util.concurrent.Future<R> executeAsync(IContext context, java.lang.String actionName, long asyncId, boolean executeInTransaction, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context for this microflow.actionName
- the name of the microflow (format "ModuleName.ActionName").asyncId
- async id of this microflow.executeInTransaction
- defines whether the microflow should be executed in a transaction (enables rolling back changes when exceptions are raised).params
- microflow parameters by
<R> java.util.concurrent.Future<R> executeAsync(IContext context, java.lang.String actionName, long asyncId, java.lang.Object... params) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context for this action.actionName
- the name of a microflow or java action (format "ModuleName.ActionName").asyncId
- the asyncId this action has.params
- for microflows: add IMendixObject, IMendixIdentifier or primitive parameters.
for Java actions: add any object
<R> java.util.concurrent.Future<R> executeAsync(IContext context, java.lang.String actionName, java.lang.Object... params) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context for this action.actionName
- the name of a microflow or java action (format "ModuleName.ActionName").params
- for microflows: add IMendixObject, IMendixIdentifier or primitive parameters.
for Java actions: add any object
<T extends ICoreAction<R>,R> R executeSync(T action) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- action type, subclass of CoreAction.R
- result type of action, can be any object.action
- the action to
<T extends com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R>,R> void executeVoid(T action)
- result type of the action, can be any object.T
- action type, subclass of CoreAction.action
- the action to getActionQueueSize()
int getActiveActionCount()
ISession getActiveSession(java.lang.String userName)
- the user name associated with the session to search<? extends ISession> getActiveSessions()
java.lang.Iterable<IMendixObject> getAllMendixObjects()
long getCompletedActionCount()
long getConcurrentUserCount(boolean anonymous)
- whether anonymous users should be included in the count.Configuration getConfiguration()
int getCurrentPoolSize()
java.lang.String getDatabaseChildColumnName(IMetaAssociation iMetaAssociation)
- the meta association to get the database child column name forjava.lang.String getDatabaseColumnName(IMetaPrimitive iMetaPrimitive)
- the meta primitive to get the database column name forjava.lang.String getDatabaseParentColumnName(IMetaAssociation iMetaAssociation)
- the meta association to get the database parent column name forjava.lang.String getDatabaseTableName(IMetaObject iMetaObject)
- the meta object to get the database table name forjava.lang.String getDatabaseTableName(IMetaAssociation iMetaAssociation)
- the meta association to get the database table name forILanguage getDefaultLanguage() getFileDocumentContent(IContext context, IMendixObject fileDocument)
- the context.fileDocument
- the file document from which the contents will be getImage(IContext context, IMendixObject imageDocument, boolean retrieveThumbnail)
- the context.imageDocument
- the image document for which its contents are retrieved.retrieveThumbnail
- indicates whether a thumbnail or the full image is<java.lang.String,IDataType> getInputParameters(java.lang.String actionName)
- the name of a microflow or java action (format "ModuleName.ActionName").java.lang.String getInternationalizedString(IContext context, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... args)
- the context.key
- the key referring to the translatable string.args
- the arguments which should be applied to translatable string getInternationalizedString(java.lang.String languageCode, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... args)
- the language code (ISO-639).key
- the key referring to the translatable string.args
- values which should replace possible templates in the translatable string ({1}, {2}, etc.).int getLargestPoolSize()
java.util.Locale getLocale(IContext context)
- the getLocale(java.lang.String languageCode)
- the languageCode (ISO-639).int getMaximumNumberConcurrentUsers() throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
IMetaAssociation getMetaAssociation(java.lang.String association)
- the association name (e.g. "System.UserRoles").java.lang.Iterable<IMetaAssociation> getMetaAssociations()
IMetaObject getMetaObject(java.lang.String metaObjectName)
- the meta object<IMetaObject> getMetaObjects()
IMetaPrimitive getMetaPrimitive(java.lang.String qualifiedAttributeName)
- the qualified attribute<java.lang.String> getMicroflowNames()
long getNamedUserCount()
long getNumberConcurrentSessions()
IProfiler getProfiler()
IDataType getReturnType(java.lang.String actionName)
- the name of a microflow or java action (format "ModuleName.ActionName").int getScheduledActionCount()
java.util.Date getStartupDateTime()
java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSubtypesOf(java.lang.String objectType)
- the object getUser(IContext context, java.lang.String userName) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.userName
- the user name to retrieve a user
java.lang.String getXASId()
com.mendix.logging.ILogNode getLogger(java.lang.String name)
ISession initializeGuestSession() throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
ISession initializeSession(IUser user, java.lang.String currentSessionId) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the user for which the session should be initialized.currentSessionId
- id of the current session, will be used to transfer data when current session is associated with a guest
IMendixObject instantiate(IContext context, java.lang.String objectType)
- the context.objectType
- type of object to create (e.g. "System.User").java.util.concurrent.Future<IMendixObject> instantiateAsync(IContext context, java.lang.String objectType)
- the context.objectType
- type of object to create (e.g. "System.User").boolean isInDevelopment()
boolean isSubClassOf(IMetaObject superObject, IMetaObject type)
- the super object.type
- the name of the type to check.boolean isSubClassOf(java.lang.String superClass, short typeHash)
- the name of the super classtypeHash
- the hash of the name of the type to checkcom.mendix.core.CoreException
boolean isSubClassOf(java.lang.String superClass, java.lang.String type)
- the name of the super classtype
- the name of the type to checkISession login(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends java.lang.Object> params) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the
ISession login(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the user name.password
- the
ISession login(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password, com.mendix.m2ee.api.IMxRuntimeRequest request) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
ISession login(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String currentSessionId) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the user name.password
- the password.currentSessionId
- current session
void logout(ISession session)
- the session to logout.void registerLogSubscriber(com.mendix.logging.LogSubscriber subscriber)
void registerProfiler(IProfiler profiler) throws MendixException
boolean removeScheduledFuture(java.util.concurrent.RunnableScheduledFuture<?> scheduledFuture)
- the RunnableScheduledFuture to remove.<R> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture<?> reschedule(java.util.concurrent.RunnableScheduledFuture<R> scheduledFuture, com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R> action, long newDelay, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
- the scheduledFuture (old action) to remove from the queue.action
- the action to reschedule.newDelay
- the new delay.timeUnit
- time unit of the resolveTokens(IContext context, java.lang.String text)
- the text to resolve.context
- the<IMendixObject> retrieveByIdWithSchema(IContext context, IMendixIdentifier id, IRetrievalSchema schema)
java.util.List<IMendixObject> retrieveByPath(IContext context, IMendixObject mxObject, java.lang.String path)
- the context.mxObject
- the start point of the path.path
- the path (association) to the objects to<IMendixObject> retrieveByPath(IContext context, IMendixObject mxObject, java.lang.String path, boolean isSelfAssociationChild)
- the context.mxObject
- the start point of the path.path
- the path (association) to the objects to retrieve.isSelfAssociationChild
- defines whether the mxObject instance is the child of the path of a self<IMendixObject> retrieveByPath(IContext context, IMendixObject mxObject, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String entity, boolean isSelfAssociationChild)
- the context.mxObject
- the start point of the path.path
- the path (association) to the objects to retrieve.entity
- the specialization entity to limit the results to.isSelfAssociationChild
- defines whether the mxObject instance is the child of the path of a self association.IMendixObject retrieveId(IContext context, IMendixIdentifier id) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the
- id of the object to
java.util.concurrent.Future<IMendixObject> retrieveIdAsync(IContext context, IMendixIdentifier id)
- the
- id of the object to<IMendixObject> retrieveIdList(IContext context, java.util.List<IMendixIdentifier> ids) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.ids
- ids of the objects to
java.util.List<IMendixObject> retrieveIdList(IContext context, java.util.List<IMendixIdentifier> ids, int amount, int offset, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.ids
- ids of the objects to retrieve.amount
- the maximum number of objects to retrieve from the database.offset
- offset of returned objects when retrieved from the database.sort
- sorting of returned objects when retrieved from the database (e.g. <"Name", "ASC">, <"Age", "DESC">).com.mendix.core.CoreException
java.util.concurrent.Future<java.util.List<IMendixObject>> retrieveIdListAsync(IContext context, java.util.List<IMendixIdentifier> ids)
- the context.ids
- ids of the objects to retrieve.IDataTable retrieveOQLDataTable(IContext context, java.lang.String oqlQuery, int amount, int offset) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.oqlQuery
- the OQL query to execute.amount
- maximum number of objects to retrieve.offset
- index of first object to
IDataTable retrieveOQLDataTable(IContext context, IGetRequest request) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.request
- the request
IDataTable retrieveOQLDataTable(IContext context, java.lang.String oqlQuery) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.oqlQuery
- the OQL query to
java.util.concurrent.Future<IDataTable> retrieveOQLDataTableAsync(IContext context, java.lang.String oqlQuery)
- the context.oqlQuery
- the OQL query to<IDataTable> retrieveOQLDataTableAsync(IContext context, IGetRequest request)
- the context.request
- the request<IDataTable> retrieveOQLDataTableAsync(IContext context, java.lang.String oqlQuery, int amount, int offset)
- the context.oqlQuery
- the OQL query to execute.amount
- maximum number of objects to retrieve.offset
- index of first object to<IMendixObject> retrieveXPathQuery(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery, int amount, int offset, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.xpathQuery
- the XPath query to execute.amount
- maximum number of objects to retrieve.offset
- index of first object to retrieve.sort
- sorting of returned objects when retrieved from the database (e.g. <"Name", "ASC">, <"Age", "DESC">).com.mendix.core.CoreException
java.lang.Long retrieveXPathQueryAggregate(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.xpathQuery
- the aggregate xpath query (e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)").com.mendix.core.CoreException
java.lang.Double retrieveXPathQueryAggregateDouble(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.xpathQuery
- the aggregate xpath query (e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)").com.mendix.core.CoreException
java.math.BigDecimal retrieveXPathQueryAggregateDecimal(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery)
IDataTable retrieveXPathQueryRaw(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery, int amount, int offset, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort, int depth) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.xpathQuery
- the XPath query to execute.amount
- maximum number of objects to retrieve.offset
- index of first object to retrieve.sort
- sorting of returned objects when retrieved from the database (e.g. <"Name", "ASC">, <"Age", "DESC">).depth
- indicates the level until which each reference (IMendixIdentifier) is also retrieved as an
java.util.List<IMendixObject> retrieveXPathQueryEscaped(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathFormat, java.lang.String... params) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.xpathFormat
- the XPath query to execute with %s for each param to escape.params
- a collection of parameters for each %s in
java.util.List<IMendixObject> retrieveXPathQuery(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.xpathQuery
- the XPath query to
java.util.List<IMendixObject> retrieveXPathQuery(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery, int amount, int offset, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort, int depth) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.xpathQuery
- the XPath query to execute.amount
- maximum number of objects to retrieve.offset
- index of first object to retrieve.sort
- sorting of returned objects when retrieved from the database (e.g. <"Name", "ASC">, <"Age", "DESC">).depth
- indicates the level until which each reference (IMendixIdentifier) is also retrieved as an
java.util.List<IMendixObject> retrieveXPathQuery(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery, int amount, int offset, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort, int depth, int timeout) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
java.lang.Long retrieveXPathQueryAggregateSchema(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery, IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.xpathQuery
- the aggregate xpath query (e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)").retrievalSchema
- the
java.lang.Long retrieveXPathQueryAggregateSchema(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery, IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema, boolean disableSecurity) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.xpathQuery
- the aggregate xpath query (e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)").retrievalSchema
- the schema.disableSecurity
- whether security should be applied for this
java.util.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Double> retrieveXPathQueryAggregateAsyncDouble(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery)
- xpathQuery
- java.util.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Long> retrieveXPathQueryAggregateAsync(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery)
- the context.xpathQuery
- the aggregate xpath query (e.g. "COUNT(//System.User)").java.util.concurrent.Future<java.util.List<IMendixObject>> retrieveXPathQueryAsync(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery, int amount, int offset, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort, int depth)
- the context.xpathQuery
- the XPath query to execute.amount
- maximum number of objects to retrieve.offset
- index of first object to retrieve.sort
- sorting of returned objects when retrieved from the database (e.g. <"Name", "ASC">, <"Age", "DESC">).depth
- indicates the level until which each reference (IMendixIdentifier) is also retrieved as an<IMendixObject> retrieveXPathSchema(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery, IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema, boolean shouldRetrieveCount, boolean disableSecurity) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.xpathQuery
- the XPath query to execute.retrievalSchema
- the schema to apply.shouldRetrieveCount
- indicates whether the total number object corresponding to the given schema should be included in the result.disableSecurity
- indicates whether security should be applied when this query is being
java.util.List<IMendixObject> retrieveXPathQueryEscaped(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathFormat, int amount, int offset, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sort, int depth, java.lang.String... params) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.xpathFormat
- the XPath query to execute with %s for each param to escape.amount
- maximum number of objects to retrieve.offset
- index of first object to retrieve.sort
- sorting of returned objects when retrieved from the database (e.g. <"Name", "ASC">, <"Age", "DESC">).depth
- depth of the retrieval (0 is all attributes and association guids, 1 is also all attributes of 1-deep associations and 2-deep associaton guids etc.).params
- xpath
java.util.List<IMendixObject> retrieveXPathSchemaEscaped(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathFormat, IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema, boolean shouldRetrieveCount, boolean disableSecurity, java.lang.String... params) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.xpathFormat
- the XPath query to execute with %s for each param to escape.retrievalSchema
- the schema to apply.shouldRetrieveCount
- indicates whether the total number object corresponding to the given schema should be included in the result.disableSecurity
- indicates whether security should be disabled when executing this query.params
- a collection of parameters for each %s in
IDataTable retrieveXPathSchemaRaw(IContext context, java.lang.String xpathQuery, boolean shouldRetrieveCount, IRetrievalSchema retrievalSchema) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.xpathQuery
- the XPath query to execute.shouldRetrieveCount
- indicates whether the total number object corresponding to the given schema should be included in the result.retrievalSchema
- the schema to
IMendixObject rollback(IContext context, IMendixObject object) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the context.object
- the object to
java.util.concurrent.Future<IMendixObject> rollbackAsync(IContext context, IMendixObject object)
- the context.object
- the object to rollback.<R> java.util.concurrent.RunnableScheduledFuture<?> schedule(java.lang.String actionName, java.util.Date date) throws com.mendix.core.CoreException
- the name of a microflow or java action (format "ModuleName.ActionName")date
- the date and time on which the action should be executedcom.mendix.core.CoreException
<R> java.util.concurrent.RunnableScheduledFuture<?> schedule(com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R> action, long delay, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
- the action to execute.delay
- the delay after which the action should be executed.timeUnit
- time unit in which the delay is specified.<R> void scheduleAtFixedRate(com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R> action, java.util.Date firstRun, long period, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
- the action to executefirstRun
- the Date/time on which the action will be executed the first timeperiod
- the period between each start of the execution of the actiontimeUnit
- the timeUnit in which the period is specified<R> void scheduleAtFixedRate(com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R> action, long initialDelay, long period, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
- the action to execute.initialDelay
- the delay after which the action will be executed the first time.period
- the period between each start of the execution of the action.timeUnit
- the timeUnit in which the initialDelay and the period is specified.<R> void scheduleAtFixedRate(java.lang.String actionName, java.util.Date firstRun, long period, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description)
- the name of a microflow or java action (format "ModuleName.ActionName").firstRun
- the date on which the action will be executed the first time.period
- the period between each start of the execution of the action.timeUnit
- the timeUnit in which the initialDelay and the period is
- the name of the scheduled event.description
- the description of the scheduled event.<R> void scheduleWithFixedDelay(com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.CoreAction<R> action, long initialDelay, long delay, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
- the action to execute.initialDelay
- the delay after which the action will be executed the first time.delay
- the delay between the end of the execution of the action and the start of the next time the action will be executed.timeUnit
- the timeUnit in which the initialDelay and the delay is specified.void storeFileDocumentContent(IContext context, IMendixObject fileDocument, inputStream)
void storeFileDocumentContent(IContext context, IMendixObject fileDocument, java.lang.String fileName, inputStream)
- the context.fileDocument
- the file document to which the file to store is linked to.fileName
- the original name of the file (will be stored in the Name attribute)inputStream
- the content of the filevoid storeImageDocumentContent(IContext context, IMendixObject imageDocument, inputStream, int thumbnailWidth, int thumbnailHeight)
- the context.imageDocument
- the image document to which the image to store is linked to.inputStream
- the content of the filethumbnailWidth
- the width of the thumbnail to create for this image.thumbnailHeight
- the width of the thumbnail to create for this image.void unregisterProfiler()