Interface WorkflowRecord

public interface WorkflowRecord
Represents a snapshot of a workflow instance.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the description of the workflow at the time the workflow instance was started.
    Returns the time at which the workflow instance is due (if any).
    Returns the time at which the workflow instance finished executing (if any).
    Returns the name of the workflow at the time the workflow instance was started.
    Returns the user who started the workflow instance.
    Returns the reason why the workflow instance failed, was paused, aborted or became incompatible (if any).
    Returns the time at which the workflow instance started executing.
    Returns the current state of the workflow instance.
    Returns the object representing the workflow instance.
    Returns the Mendix object representing the workflow definition.
    Returns the key that uniquely identifies the workflow instance.
  • Method Details

    • getWorkflowKey

      String getWorkflowKey()
      Returns the key that uniquely identifies the workflow instance. The value is the same as Workflow.getKey().

      The value cannot and should not be used for retrieving workflows from the database.

      the workflow key
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of the workflow at the time the workflow instance was started.
      the name of the workflow instance
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Returns the description of the workflow at the time the workflow instance was started.
      the description of the workflow instance
    • getState

      WorkflowState getState()
      Returns the current state of the workflow instance.
      the state WorkflowState
    • getStartTime

      Date getStartTime()
      Returns the time at which the workflow instance started executing.
      the start time of the workflow instance
    • getDueDate

      Optional<Date> getDueDate()
      Returns the time at which the workflow instance is due (if any).
      the due date of the workflow instance, or Optional.empty() if it was not set.
    • getEndTime

      Optional<Date> getEndTime()
      Returns the time at which the workflow instance finished executing (if any).
      the end time of the workflow instance, or Optional.empty() if the workflow is still executing
    • getReason

      Optional<String> getReason()
      Returns the reason why the workflow instance failed, was paused, aborted or became incompatible (if any).
      the reason, or Optional.empty() if no reason was set or the workflow instance is still executing
    • getOwner

      IUser getOwner()
      Returns the user who started the workflow instance.
      the user object corresponding to the user that started the workflow instance or null if the workflow was started from a system context
    • getWorkflow

      Workflow getWorkflow()
      Returns the object representing the workflow instance.

      Note that this is a live object, for which data might differ from the data in this record, which is a snapshot.

      the workflow instance
    • getWorkflowDefinition

      IMendixObject getWorkflowDefinition()
      Returns the Mendix object representing the workflow definition.
      the workflow definition object