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IOQLTextGetRequest, IXPathTextGetRequest

public interface ITextGetRequest extends IGetRequest
This interface represents a textual retrieval request. Implementations of this interface contain a textual retrieval text which will be parsed to determine which objects must be retrieved.
  • Method Details

    • getQuery

      String getQuery()
      Returns the retrieval text of this request.
      the query string
    • setQuery

      void setQuery(String query)
      Sets the retrieval text of this request.
      query - the query to execute for the request
    • setParameters

      void setParameters(IParameterMap parameterMap)
      Specifies the parameter values of the query.
      parameterMap - the parameter values of the query
    • createParameterMap

      IParameterMap createParameterMap()
      Returns a new object to set parameter values for this query. This object must be set for the request by the method setParameters(..).
      a new object to set parameter values for this query
    • getParameters

      IParameterMap getParameters()
      Returns the object with parameters values.
      the parameter values of the query