public interface IParameterMap
A ParameterMap can be used to define the values for parameters of a query. Call ITextGetRequest.createParameterMap() to create an empty ParameterMap. To add a ParameterMap to a request, call ITextGetRequest.setParameters(..).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    put(String name, Object value)
    This method can be used to add a single value parameter.
    putCollection(String name, List<?> values)
    This method can be used to add a collection of values or ranges.
    putRange(String name, Object start, Object end)
    This method can be used to add a range parameter.
  • Method Details

    • put

      void put(String name, Object value)
      This method can be used to add a single value parameter.
      name - The name of the parameter, without the @ sign
      value - The value of the parameter
    • putRange

      void putRange(String name, Object start, Object end)
      This method can be used to add a range parameter.
      name - The name of the parameter, without the @ sign
      start - The start value of the parameter
      end - The end value of the parameter
    • putCollection

      void putCollection(String name, List<?> values)
      This method can be used to add a collection of values or ranges. A range can be defined by an array of two items.
      name - The name of the parameter, without the @ sign
      values - The collection of values or ranges for this parameter