Interface XPathSchemaQuery

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public interface XPathSchemaQuery extends XPathQueryBase
Provides an interface to XPath queries that use a retrieval schema.

A retrieval schema provides a way to set the offset, amount, depth and sorting through the IRetrievalSchema interface and is an alternative to setting these parameters directly using XPathBasicQuery.

  • Method Details

    • setRetrievalSchema

      XPathSchemaQuery setRetrievalSchema(IRetrievalSchema schema)
      Adds a retrieval schema to this query. The schema defines paging and sorting on the query.
      schema - the schema to apply
      the updated query instance
    • setDisableSecurity

      XPathSchemaQuery setDisableSecurity(boolean disable)
      Determines whether security should be applied for this retrieval.
      disable - true to disable security checks, false to enable security checks
      the updated query instance
    • setShouldRetrieveCount

      XPathSchemaQuery setShouldRetrieveCount(boolean shouldRetrieveCount)
      Determines whether the total number of objects corresponding to this schema should be included in the result.
      shouldRetrieveCount - true to include the number of corresponding objects, false otherwise
      the updated query instance
    • setVariable

      XPathSchemaQuery setVariable(String name, BigDecimal value)
      Sets a variable with a value of type BigDecimal

      Adds a BigDecimal variable In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

      Specified by:
      setVariable in interface XPathQueryBase
      name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
      value - variable that represents a literal BigDecimal value
      the updated query instance
    • setVariable

      XPathSchemaQuery setVariable(String name, boolean value)
      Sets a variable with a value of type Boolean

      In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

      Specified by:
      setVariable in interface XPathQueryBase
      name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
      value - variable that represents a literal Boolean value
      the updated query instance
    • setVariable

      XPathSchemaQuery setVariable(String name, double value)
      Sets a variable with a value of type Double

      In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

      Specified by:
      setVariable in interface XPathQueryBase
      name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
      value - variable that represents a literal Double value
      the updated query instance
    • setVariable

      XPathSchemaQuery setVariable(String name, int value)
      Sets a variable with a value of type Integer

      In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

      Specified by:
      setVariable in interface XPathQueryBase
      name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
      value - variable that represents a literal Integer value
      the updated query instance
    • setVariable

      XPathSchemaQuery setVariable(String name, long value)
      Sets a variable with a value of type Long

      In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

      Specified by:
      setVariable in interface XPathQueryBase
      name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
      value - variable that represents a literal Long value
      the updated query instance
    • setVariable

      XPathSchemaQuery setVariable(String name, IMendixObject object)
      Sets a variable with a value of type IMendixObject

      In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

      Specified by:
      setVariable in interface XPathQueryBase
      name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
      object - variable that represents a IMendixObject value. Will be replaced by it's identifier in the query
      the updated query instance
    • setVariable

      XPathSchemaQuery setVariable(String name, IMendixIdentifier identifier)
      Sets a variable with a value of type IMendixIdentifier

      In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

      Specified by:
      setVariable in interface XPathQueryBase
      name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
      identifier - variable that represents an identifier of an object
      the updated query instance
    • setVariable

      XPathSchemaQuery setVariable(String name, String value)
      Sets a variable with a value of type String

      In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field >= $limit]'.

      Specified by:
      setVariable in interface XPathQueryBase
      name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
      value - variable that represents a literal String value
      the updated query instance
    • setVariable

      XPathSchemaQuery setVariable(String name, Collection<?> values)
      Sets a variable with a value of type Collection

      In XPath queries it is possible to add variables. A variable can be denoted with '$', e.g. a valid query syntax could be '//Entity.Ref[field = $values]'.

      Specified by:
      setVariable in interface XPathQueryBase
      name - name of variables referenced in the expression (without '$') and their values
      values - variable that represents a collection of values
      the updated query instance