Interface CoreActionHandler

public interface CoreActionHandler
Defines the interface for an action handler. This is an internal interface that is not to be used and may change any time.
  • Method Details

    • setContext

      @Deprecated void setContext(IContext context)
      since 9.24. There is no replacement.
      Sets the context for the action handler to execute in.
      context - the context for executing the action
    • getContext

      IContext getContext()
      Returns the context of this action handler.
      the context for executing the action
    • call

      <R> R call(InternalCoreAction<R> action)
      Executes the specified action.
      Type Parameters:
      R - result type of the action, which should match the return value of the action
      action - the action to execute
      the execution result
    • getEventObjects

      List<IMendixObject> getEventObjects()
      Returns the event objects for the action of this action handler.
      the Mendix objects
    • setEventObjects

      void setEventObjects(List<IMendixObject> eventObjects)
      Sets the event objects for the action of this action handler.
      eventObjects - the event objects to set
    • getMetaInfo getMetaInfo()
      Returns the meta-info for the action of this action handler.
      the meta-info
    • setMetaInfo

      void setMetaInfo( metaInfo)
      Sets the meta-info for the action of this action handler.
      metaInfo - the meta-info to set
    • getActionName

      String getActionName()
      Returns the name of the action of this action handler.
      the action name
    • setActionName

      void setActionName(String actionName)
      Sets the name of the action of this action handler.
      actionName - the name to set
    • getException

      Exception getException()
      Returns the exception that was set for this action handler (if any).
      the exception if it was set; null otherwise
    • setException

      void setException(Exception exception)
      Sets the specified exception for this action handler.
      exception - the exception to set
    • getState

      ActionState getState()
      Returns the state for the action of this action handler (if any).
      the action state if it was set; null otherwise
    • setState

      void setState(ActionState state)
      Sets the state for the action of this action handler.
      state - the state to set
    • setAllowsConcurrentExecution

      void setAllowsConcurrentExecution(Boolean enabled)
      Sets whether the action of this action handler allows concurrent execution. If concurrent execution is not allowed, InternalCoreAction.handleConcurrentExecution() will be called if the action is called concurrently with itself.
      enabled - true if concurrent execution is allowed; false otherwise
    • createClone

      CoreActionHandler createClone()
      Returns a deep copy of this action handler. The return action handler will contain a copy of the action, with the same context.
      the cloned action handler
    • getClonedContext

      IContext getClonedContext(IMendixIdentifier currentIdentifier, List<IMendixIdentifier> constraint)
      Returns a copy of the context of this action handler with the specified identifier and context objects.
      currentIdentifier - the identifier to set on the copied context; if null, the existing identifier is not overwritten
      constraint - the context objects to set on the copied context; if null, the existing objects are not overwritten
      the cloned context