Interface IExcelCellStyle

public interface IExcelCellStyle
Represents an Excel cell style.
  • Method Details

    • setBorderStyle

      void setBorderStyle(Common.BorderSide borderSide, IExcelCellStyle.BorderTypes type)
      Sets the border style for the specified side.
      borderSide - the border side to change
      type - the border type to set
    • setBorderColor

      void setBorderColor(Common.BorderSide borderSide, IExcelCellStyle.Color color)
      Sets the border color for the specified border side.
      borderSide - the border side to change
      color - the color to set
    • setTextDecoration

      void setTextDecoration(boolean isBold, boolean isItalic, boolean isUnderlined, boolean isStrikeOut)
      Sets the text decoration to the specified values.
      isBold - true if text should be bold, false otherwise
      isItalic - true if text should be italic, false otherwise
      isUnderlined - true if text should be underlined, false otherwise
      isStrikeOut - true if text should be 'strike-out', false otherwise
    • setFontStyle

      void setFontStyle(String fontName, short height, IExcelCellStyle.Color fontColor)
      Sets the text font to the specified values.
      fontName - the name of the font to set
      height - the font size to set
      fontColor - the font color to set
    • setHAlign

      void setHAlign(IExcelCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment align)
      Sets the horizontal alignment of text in a cell.
      align - the alignment to set
    • setVAlign

      void setVAlign(IExcelCellStyle.VerticalAlignment align)
      Sets the vertical alignment of text in a cell.
      align - the alignment to set
    • setBackGroundColor

      void setBackGroundColor(IExcelCellStyle.Color backGroundColor)
      Sets the background color of a cell to the specified color.
      backGroundColor - the background color to set
    • setDataFormat

      void setDataFormat(String dataFormat)
      Set the data format of a cell to the specified format.
      dataFormat - the format to set